Написать сочинение-эссе на тему: "Технология стала большей частью моей жизни" 180-200 слов
Each day from summery of the news we hear the mentionings of scientist, who created new technologies.
Some are new technologies firmly fall into our life, and we already can not dispense with them, for instance, mobile telephone, in a complicated way present the mankind without mobile technology presently. Some are on the contrary forgotten and are used in rather narrow circle specialist, in study of cosmos for instance. Offer the review from 5 new technologies which, will firmly fall into our life in the opinion of most competent authorities. Possible say that robots already firmly fell into our life. But while that, robots are used basically on production for automation. In the world future robots will firmly fall into our life and will, on such level, either as mobile technologies. Already presently roboticses of the whole world hard work on creation of such models, which possible use in public sector. They will bring us coffee, sort the mail, help to understand with paper in office and always will exactly know, where and what document lies the robots will even service the client in shop. On given moment is considered by the most ingenious model robot HRP-4 japanese companies Kawada Industries. The Companies not yet ready to introduce the robot in their own offices, but this deal of time.
ICT более полезен в жизни, чем Искусство и Музыка.
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Напишите эссе на английском языке на тему: "Технологии могут сделать нашу жизнь проще".
People in contemporary world can hardly imagine their lives without technology. Different people appreciate new inventions differently. As for me, I am pretty sure that gadgets make people’s lives easier. Technology disk can contain the same amount of information as several thick books. So, machines help people in different spheres. Every day either a new gadget is invented or an old one is improved. Furthermore, more and more people are becoming addicted to their modern gadgets, for instance computers, TVs or mobile phones. But I firmly believe that in spite of all drawbacks, gadgets have, their benefits are much more considerable, as they save people’s time and let them enjoy life.
Подростки сегодня на крючке технологий. Это позитивный или негативный факт?
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100 слов.
Мне кажется на сегодняшний день развитие технологий и правда поглотило большую часть подрастающего поколения. Это дабы не очень хорошо, у молодёжи пропадает стремление к музыке, художеству, книгам. Реальный мир их волнует все меньше и меньше, они могут пропадать в интернете сутками.
меньше выходят на улицу, меньше общаются в живую. Социальные сети им заменили радости жизни. Пожалуй если так будет продолжаться, у нашей планеты будещее будет не самое радужное. Конечно, засорять ее никто не будет, но и ухаживать тоже будет некому.
как-то так,100слов конечно нет, но можешь дополнитб
Эссе на тему: "having modern technologies at home is rather dangerous"
Some people suppose that having modern technologies at home is sometimes dangerous.
There can be two sides about this thoughts. One the one hand, having technologies at home is really dangerous due to the fact that you have little children. On the other hand, there is nothing to worry about if you and your family members know how to use modern technology safely.
Let me start from the first thought. There are many people who buy some gadgets and do not know how to use it in appropriate way. Or they just do not read the instruction what leads to bad events. For example technologies like fridge or washing machine have high voltage at particular places. And if you forget about drying your hands after washing, you can get some burns or something else.
But if you know all the rules and instructions about electrician instruments or gadgets, you will never have dangerous outcomes.
To sum up, I can definitely assert that modern technologies are the great opportunities to make hard work at home easier. Everything depends on people. If they comply for the instructions, there will be no dangerous situation for them.
написать эссе по английскому, Современный мир слишком полагается на технологии
To start with, a few years ago post-office played a very important role in people’s lives. Now its role changed. According to the Internet statistics the public in general tend to believe that a small number of people continue to use its services.
On the one hand, in addition to many features, post-office delivered letters to people, in which they told each other news and transmited important information. Nowadays the Internet has replaced this service. Email is one of the advantages of the Internet. This online service is cheaper than regular mail, and it works much faster. You never lose touch with loved ones, wherever they are using such means of communication.
For example, I have a personal e-mail and have an opportunity to chat with my friends from other cities and countries. In addition, nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives also is not difficult.
On the other hand there are formal and business letters, which cannot be sent by Internet. Besides, there are many people who cannot use the Internet, for them post-office is the only type of communication.
In conclusion, I want to say that although post-office nowadays plays a significantly smaller role in people’s lives, it is still the main type of communication.
Начну с того, что несколько лет назад почта играла очень важную роль в жизни людей. Сейчас ее роль в жизни людей изменилась. По данным исследований в наши дни очень небольшое количество людей продолжают пользоваться ее услугами.
С одной стороны, кроме многих функций, почта доставляла людям письма, в которых они рассказывали друг другу новости и передавали важную информацию. В наши дни интернет заменил эту услугу. Электронная почта является одним из преимуществ интернета. Этот сервис он-лайн дешевле, чем обычная почта, и она работает намного быстрее. Например, у меня есть личный адрес электронной почты, так что я имею возможность общаться со своими друзьями из других городов и стран. Помимо этого, в настоящее время существует очень разных популярных социальных сетей, где связаться с друзьями и родственниками также не сложно.
С другой стороны, существуют официальные и деловые письма, которые нельзя отправлять по интернету. Кроме того, есть много людей, которые не умеют или не могут пользоваться интернетом, для них почта является единственным видом коммуникации.
В заключении хочу сказать, что хотя почта стала играть значительно меньшую роль в жизни людей, она все еще остается основным видом связи
Поставь пж лучший ответ!
Эссе по ангийскому языку на тему: what modern technologies are the most important nowadays
Ok, so nowadays our technologies are a pretty normal thing but some of the most important ones are as follows: the phone. The phone allows us to communicate over large distances such as from London to Australia. Our next important technology is the TV, the television provides us with some of the most important information we need. In addition, we can watch different types of shows. The next most important piece if technology is the PC or the computer. the computer is simular to the television but you can change the things that happen on it. Without technology we would be suffering!
Напишите эссе на тему: "Воздействие технологий на общество" 180-200 слов.
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Now technologies develope very fast, but how it is influence on the society - positive or negative? In my opinion it is positive, but everything has pluses and minuses. Lets have a look. On the one hand technologies helps people a lot, make their lifes more comfortable. For example some special platforms for disabled people on wheelchairs, which help them go upstairs, or some electronic gadgets which give us entertainment such as i-pads, or i-pods. But on the other hand all this makes our lifestyles unhealthier. We sit more in front of computers and other things. Also this gives a big damage for ecology. We need to think more about environment.
I think that modern human beeing can live in two ways. On the first road people help the nature with technologies, protect it. But on the second road they kill her with pollution and unwise using of her gifts such as oil and gas.
In conclusion I want to say that everything must be thought and overthought before using. We can help our planet if we utilize electricity power with wisdom. If everyone will turn off the light in the special day - "Day of Earth" which is going to be on 22 of april we will give a rest for our planet. Everybody need some relaxation.
Эссе по английскому на тему: "стала ли технология такой большой частью твоей жизни?" (180-200 слов)
When I was a child it was quite cool to have an internet access at your home and people who had thiswere so arrogant and happy about this that everyone around knew they had the network. Now we use internet everywhere. It’s so cheap today that we can use it free of charge at cinemas, cafetarias and restaraunts.
At this point I want to travel to the past for a while. Let’s go to the stone age. People of the age didn’t know how to use knifes so they used stones as tools. They used stones to process food, to process wood and for other things which known by them only. When they wanted to communicate they used their languageto build phrases and their mouth to pass the information. When it was something dangerous for people and they required to pass the information they used fire. People one by one fired their torches to "send" the S. O. S. message. When they were sad or felt blue they communicated to get some entertainment. Of course I think there were differentmethods to entertain but it was so long ago that no ones knows about it. That was the life of prehistoric peoples (тут имеется ввиду народов. peoples - народы, people - люди)
Now let’s back to the present time. We have the same requirements as prehistoric people (тут я имел ввиду люди) did. But to satisfy these requierments we use. modern technologies! Want to eat? Just use metal or ceramik knife, thenput your food on the inductive ring and. that’s all! Do you want to chat someone? You do not need even to meet him now. E. g. I use my phone to send text messages. If I want to discover something I use internet, If I want someone to help meI use my phone and of course the radio waves are used by military people to send S. O. S. signal. Our life consists of eventsthat we fill with technologies. Even more. I think there are too few things in the life that are not covered wih the modern technologies so far.
My conclusion is the fabric of our life is stitched up with modern technologies.
написать эссе "Каким образом технология улучшилась нашу жизнь? Каким образом это делает жизнь хуже?"
Технология сделала нашу жизнь намного проще. С помощью Калькулятора мы можем быстро сосчитать любой пример. С помощью чайника сделать себе горячий чай. Но технология не только даёт пользу, но и вред. Любая технология может выйти из под контроля. Пример: ты делаешь важную работу на компьютере. Но бац, провод загорелся и взрыв. Техника и хороша и плоха.