Эссе про спорт на английском

Sport is very important for many people nowadays. Some do sports, because they are just ambitious and competitive, others want to improve their appearance : women want to look slimmer and trimmer, men - strong and muscular. Besides, sport is important for our health. There are different kinds of sport, for example football, basketball, badminton, tennis and so on. There are winter sports, skiing as an example. Personally I enjoy playing basketball, because thise sport makes me full of energy and helps me to keep feet.

Нужно написать эссе на тему: "Нужно ли принуждать современную молодёжь занимается спортом?"

На данный момент люди все чаще задаются вопросом: «сложна ли жизнь современной молодежи? » или «труднее ли нынешнему поколению жить в наше время по сравнению с прошлыми веками? » Эта проблема стала одной из наиболее актуальных в настоящий период времени.
Жизнь современной молодежи можно считать более сложной во многих аспектах, в сравнении с прошлыми веками. Это обуславливается тем, что правила ушедшего времени во много раз упрощали выбор. Сейчас же выпускники школ с трудом могут поступить в высшие учебные заведения. Или даже с трудом определиться с выбором ВУЗа и профессии.
У нынешнего поколения гораздо больше свободы и независимости, чем у предыдущего. Недаром все чаще и чаще слышится выражение: «молодежь не та пошла! » - извечный конфликт поколений.
Разумеется, саму молодежь вполне устраивает то, какая она. И никто из ее представителей не считает, что они деградировали по сравнению с их родителями и более старшими поколениями.
Многих учителей и родителей занимает еще одна проблема молодых людей – проблема чтения. Да-да, именно то, что нынешнее поколение очень мало стало читать книг. Кто-то объясняет это именно «не той молодежью» и деградацией, а кто-то считает, что жизнь в данный момент стала гораздо более разнообразной, тем, что раньше было меньше открытой разрешенной цензорами информации и развлекательных программ. Какие-то 100 лет назад вся семья могла собраться за столом и вслух читать книги, что было бы непривычно для современных людей. Ввиду разнообразности и красочности современной жизни, молодежь чаще пренебрегает чтением, чтобы «везде успеть».
Лучше или хуже стало нынешнее поколение по сравнению с предыдущими? Трудно сказать. В каких-то аспектах – хуже, в других – лучше. И у каждого на этот счет мнение свое. Возможно, в какой-то степени изменились идеалы. В наше время меньшую роль отводят чести и совести. Зато деньги и личное благополучие не сдали свои позиции. Нельзя сказать, что предыдущие поколения отводили им последнее место. К тому же, люди всегда делились на порядочных и непорядочных. И в нашем поколении есть те, кто в первую очередь думает о чужом счастье и благополучии, нежели о своем. И в прошлом веке были люди, которые ради собственных интересов часто шли на подлость и обман.
Разнообразен спектр увлечений и жизненных ценностей у моего современника! Да, молодежь изменилась по сравнению с предыдущими поколениями, но нельзя однозначно сказать, в какую сторону. В чем-то она хуже, а в чем-то лучше поколений предыдущих веков. Неизменным останется конфликт поколений. Для моего современника будущая молодежь тоже будет «не той».

Some people think that extreme sports help to build character. Эссе

People have been doing sports since time immemorial years. Olympic Games have been a popular entertainment early in the century. Today we still want to do sport and exactly extreme sports getting more and more popular. So what are people think about extreme sports?
In my opinion, sport is a part of our life and extreme sport s help people in different situations. First of all, it determines a character. Consequently each person becomes more confident, trying to use your head before actions. Secondly, extreme sports prepare people to get over hazards. As a result, person can get by any disasters. Finally, this sport not only develops character, but and helps healthy from illnesses such as cold, flu anуd so on.
On the other hand, some people believe that extreme sport is rather a dangerous kind of sport, because everyozne can broke any part of body. Only specially trained people should do this sport. Вот держи, только могут быть небольшие ошибки, исправишь

Эссе на тему: спорт хорошо или плохо?

Спорт это хорошо, а допинг это плохо

Of course sport is very good. We must every day start with doing different exercises. Sport must be an integral part of our life. It is an important thing. Because today many people are very thin, wake. And there are a lot of harmful things, for example, sitting a long time with computer, eating fastfood etc. It is harmful. we must do any kind of sports. Sport isn’t bad. If we every day do any sports, ee will be stronger.

Эссе на тему: Why do people go in for sports

Why do people do sport? Do you like sport? How many times do you do it? Three times a week? Twice a week? Once a week? Once a month? Or you don’t have any certain frequency to mention? If you do sport regularly, I am sure you can answer the question easily. However, if you don’t do it regularly, it may be a bit difficult to answer the question. You probably will say: “Well, I’m not sure how many times I do it. I just do it whenever I want, but not frequently enough.”Let me give you another question: why do you do sport? What’s your answer? Some of you may answer you do it because you like it. You may play football twice a week because you really like it. You will say that football is one of your hobby. You play it because it’s one of your hobby. Many experts say that doing sport as a hobby can release someone’s mental stress. When someone is getting so distressed, it will be a good idea for him to do sport that he likes. If he likes football, he is to play it. This way, he will get relaxed. And that’s certainly good for his mental health. Some others may say: “I do jogging regularly, almost everyday, because I want to keep my body fit and healthy.” Yes, it’s not undoubted that some people do sport because they want to keep their body fit and healthy. Overweight people may do sport because they want to lose weight. Some people may want to avoid being sick. Some others want to avoid being sleepy when they are working along the day. Some other people probably say that they do sport because they want to keep their shape. They want to maintain their slim body. They don’t want to be overweight due to lack of exercise. Some men go to gym regularly because they want to keep their six-pack. Likewise, some women go to gym regularly because they want to maintain their sexy body. They want to keep their belly slim. They want to keep their body slender. A very common reason why women go to gym. And there some people do sport because it is their job. They are professional athletes. Footballers play football regularly because playing football is their job. Motor racers ride their bikes on the circuit almost everyday because motor racing is their job. Perhaps some of them sometimes do their sport not because they like it, but because they have to do it. Certainly it will be very good if the athletes do the sport both because they have to do it and because they like it, too. It means they enjoy their job. How about you? What sport do you like? And why do you do it? I believe each of you have your own answer. No matter what your answer is, doing sport is always good for you. It will keep you fit and healthy, give you better stamina, and keep your body shape. Last, I want to tell you that my favorite sport is football – not American football, it’s soccer in American English. I play it regularly, at least twice a week, because I like it very much. It’s one of my hobby. I also enjoy swimming. It’s my another favorite sport, or let’s say: my another hobby.

Написать эссе на тему: Почему люди занимаются спортом?

Почему нужно заниматься спортом.  
Как - то раз в библиотеке мне на глаза попалась книга. Обложка была необычайно яркая, красивая. И называлась она «Герои спорта». «Почему герои? » - подумала я и открыла книгу. И тут же очутилась в другом мире, мире, где царит здоровье, красота, сила, энергия, железная воля. Здесь нет места болезням, лени, обману.  
Жить в мире спорта может каждый, кто сумеет победить себя. А победитель - значит, герой. Разве не героизм вставать каждый день в пять – шесть часов утра, изнурять себя ежедневными тренировками, лишать себя маленьких удовольствий. Разве не героизм победить страх, перешагнуть за грань человеческих возможностей. Люди, занимающиеся спортом, красивые не только телом, но и душой. Недаром народная пословица гласит: «В здоровом теле - здоровый дух». 
Еще в древности люди понимали важность занятий спортом. Первые спортивные состязания состоялись в семьсот семьдесят шестом году до нашей эры в Греции. Назывались они Олимпийскими играми. В год Олимпийских игр прекращались войны в Греции, объявлялся священный мир. Побеждали в соревнованиях сильнейшие, их одаривали лаврами. И по сей день один раз в четыре года собираются юноши и девушки всего мира, чтобы померяться силой, выносливостью, ловкостью, быстротой.  
Но совсем не обязательно посвятить свою жизнь спорту. Есть много других замечательных профессий. И только здоровый человек может принести пользу Родине, обществу. А поправить, укрепить здоровье можно занятиями спортом. Если человек слаб и болен, начинать нужно с легких нагрузок, постепенно увеличивая их. Самый простой вид спорта, доступный каждому – это зарядка. Не ленись заниматься ею каждое утро полчаса – и ты будешь бодр и весел весь день, забудешь про многие болезни, приучишь себя к дисциплине, не будешь страшиться холода, сырости, сквозняков.  
Прочитала я книгу и твердо решила начинать каждое утро с зарядки.

Эссе на тему: My favorite sport basketball

I saw my future basketball trainer when I was 9. He came to invite girls to a basketball team. He was a man of middle height with very kind eyes. He said that he would be glad to see all comers. My friend and I decided to try…
Soon I understood that basketball is my way of life. My trainer did everything so that we had more practice with our rivals. We often went to another town of our region to play basketball. The results were sometimes the best and sometimes the worst. They say, to learn by experience is experience itself. We didn’t give up.
Time went on, we grew up, our behavior and views changed but our love to basketball did not change. Our trainer taught us to make up our minds when the event was hard or not, to believe in ourselves. That was printed on my mind forever.
When we were 13 we had a chance to take part in the Regional basketball competition. We were happy because we won! We understood that each jump, each feint, each combination, each ball led us to that victory!
Nowadays I can’t imagine my life without basketball. It is life the second wind for me. Basketball inspires me to further development and victories. When I’m exhausted I always remember that I am a member of the team. My team trusts me and waits that I will fight till the last whistle.
My credo can be presented by the word of the famous basketball player Kevin Garnett: “We have to do the impossible, but it is possible. Basketball is my life”

написать эссе,
The transport people should use more
make your choice of the transport
write about its advantages (in the place where you live)
write about some disadvantages
sum up everything and confirm your choice

... of the transport

The transport people should use more.

Nowadays people are getting more concerned about global problems our world is facing. Most of them are connected with environmental issues, which means that people should minimize side effects of their activities. Waste and pollution from transport is one of the major problems regarding air pollution, so we should choose wizely which transport to use. That is why I suppose people should use more eco-friendly ways of transportation, for instance, bycicles.

Listing the benefits of bycicles, I would start with its price. They are very cheap compared to cars and even public transportation. Car is not a bargain even when you buy it, and you also need to buy fuel and pay for it to be repaired if broken. Public transport needs an everyday fee, which can become a huge sum after a while. Therefore, riding a bycicle is a cheapest, as you pay once and fairly little. Moreover, bycicle does not damage the environment, as it does not work on a fuel - only by means of person’s power. 

Nevertheless, as I live in Russia, riding a bycicle can be a problem. The climate is not like on the South, which means we can really ride a bycicle only 5 month a year (if we are lucky). Also, we can not hide ourselves from weather conditions. If it rains, the person on the bicycle will come to the destinantion fully wet. In addition, you can not carry anything heavy with you, for example, going to the supermarket for grosery shopping on a bycicle would certainly be a bad idea.

All things considered, I would say that using bycicles instead of cars and buses sometimes can be a great idea, as it keeps you fit and helps the environment a bit. It is not necessery to ride it every day, especially in the weather condidtions of our country, but if you have a choice in a sunny summer day - to have a car ride or a bycicle one - choose the last one. 

нужно эссе
Some young children spend a great amount of their time practising sport.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Give your reasons and examples.

sport plays a very important role in our life. All over the world people go in for sport. children also spend a great amount of their time practising sport.

sport is necessary for our health and body. There are some disadvantages which make me think of sport negative.

First of all, you may get a lot of injuries and simply can become an invalid. Then I think, sport takes too many time and I have no time to do homework. Sometimes sport is a very expensive hobby.

But still there are a great number of advantages.

We have sedentary lives, so sport is an antidote to them. Skating or skiing in winter and swimming in summer must become part of our everyday lives. And we will be healthy and beautiful. To do jogging or other regular exercise are enough to keep fit.

Sport is a very good way of meeting people. You can just find new friends and at the same time know something more about other ways of life, which are may be unusual for you. There many kinds of sport, where teams play. So we may say, that sport teaches us to be a part of a team. I think it is very good because we can know the values of good comradeship and partnership. sport simply can helps to relax. 

Написать эссе на тему: жестокий спорт

Муай thaw — the most cruel sport in the world. 

Муай thaw it is known as the most cruel sport and the most deadly form of martial art. Thai boxing one of the confidants to street fight of single combats.
Муай thaw or Thai boxing occurred from ancient Thai martial art муай a ram and in transfer meaning «free fight». Modern муай thaw call «fight of eight extremities» as in it strike blows ступнями, shins, fists, elbows and knees. Most blows in near fight are considered as crushings.

Martial art муай thaw arose more than 2000 years ago, in it trained in armies for conducting fight without the weapon. To especially outstanding fighters appropriated a noble title and enlisted in royal guard. Also there was the regiment of royal protection consisting of the best fighters муай thaw.
Initially fights were conducted barehanded, then hands began to wind with strips from horse skins that not only protected hands, but also did blow to stronger. After began to use cotton tapes and hempen ropes. The blow put with a hand, wound such rope, led to numerous bruises and cuts at the opponent. The tradition to bandage hands remained and to this day, despite introduction of boxing gloves.
In difference from ancient times when the won left a platform either cruelly hackneyed, or dead, modern муай thaw it is limited to five rounds for three minutes. Instead of an earth platform the ring in the size of 6х6 meters is established.
Муай thaw for many Thai men the only way to be beaten out from poverty. Even children often are engaged муай thaw and act on a ring since five years. One more difference муай thaw it a traditional prayer and ceremonial dance which are carried out before each fight.
In equipment муай thaw traditional blows hands are considered auxiliary and less effective in difference from blows as feet, elbows and knees. In difference from boxing in муай thaw seldom blows on the case as it does open the head for reciprocal attack by an elbow or a knee are used. One more difference consists in clinch use. So in traditional boxing of fighters separate, and in муай thaw a clinch it is welcomed and used for blows by elbows and knees or, on the contrary, for protection against them.
Cruel nature of trainings, rationality of movements, the high speed, the thought-over equipment and tactics do fighters муай thaw one of the most dangerous opponents. This most effective martial art, both in sports, and in real fight.