1. , Нужно написать небольшое сочинение. План такой: написать про места обитания животных(лес, река. ), (в России) потом перечислить...
  2. : по английскому задали сделать проект на тему:Russian animals in danger помоги сделать текст к презентации. ( написать о...
  3. Напиши рассказ о своём любимом животном. Моё любимое животное кот Напишите о коте рассказ на английском
  4. Напишите эссе по английскому на тему: бездомные животные с плюсами и минусами.
  5. эссе на тему: приюты для животных на английском
  6. Написать мини ЭССЕ на тему: животные на грани исчезновения(на английском языке) желательно и на английском и на русском....
  7. Напишите ЭССЕ по английскому на тему: "плюсы и минусы содержания диких животных" 1)вступление 2)с одной стороны: On the...
  8. Нужно эссе по английскому на тему: бездомные животные
  9. нужно написать эссе на английском. На тему: There are a lot of zoos in the world and millions...
  10. эссе на тему: бездомные животные на английском. Напишите на английском и перевод

Нужно написать небольшое сочинение. План такой: написать про места обитания животных(лес, река. ), (в России) потом перечислить какие животные в лесу, какие в реке, написать проблемы их жизни, почему

... вымирают, сделать вывод как их защитить.

Many kinds of different animals live in Samara and its region. They live in ponds, lakes, forests, rivers, parks, but their safety is threatened.
Woods are inhabited by many different species of animals: bears, foxes, hares, hedgehogs, squirrels, wolves and many others. But humans are destroying animal’s habitat. People cut down many trees, make fires, pollute the environment. That is why, animals lose their homes, and die.
Frogs, many kinds of fishes (здесь можно мн. Число, имеем ввиду разные виды рыб) and other living things live in ponds, lakes and rivers. But people throw rubbish, they are dumping toxic substances, the water becomes turbid, and it makes animals die. What can we do? The answer is very simple. We should not throw rubbish on the ground and in the water. We must save forests, fields, rivers and lakes and protect them.

: по английскому задали сделать проект на тему:Russian animals in danger помоги сделать текст к презентации. ( написать о 5 животных кратко).

Дальневосточный рыбный филин - одна из самых крупных сов мира. В России можно встретить на Дальнем Востоке от Магадана до Приамурья и Приморья, на Сахалине и Южных Курилах (вымирающий вид).
В России красный волк встречался в основном на юге Дальнего Востока (вымирающий вид). Красный волк — хищное горное животное.
Кавказская гадюка — опасная для человека змея, но она и сама находится в опасности. В России ее еще можно встретить в горных лесах и на альпийских и субальпийских лугах Кавказа (вымирающий вид).
Лошадь Пржевальского: в мире насчитывается всего порядка двух тысяч особей. В начале 1990-х несколько лошадей в качестве эксперимента были выпущены в украинскую зону отчуждения Чернобыльской АЭС, где они стали активно размножаться, теперь их там около ста особей (вымирающий вид).
Ларга (пестрая нерпа или пятнистый тюлень) обитает в Тихом океане от Аляски до Японии и дальневосточного побережья России. Популяция этих тюленей насчитывает примерно 230 тысяч особей.  

Напиши рассказ о своём любимом животном. Моё любимое животное кот
Напишите о коте рассказ на английском

In this story, I will write about my favorite animal!
my favorite animal is a cat, because it is not necessary to walk, cats are very nice and good, they catch mice, and can heal a person ! They have a very nice glow in the dark eyes, and they are very nice and high jump. cats are big fans of sleep on a person’s head when he sleeps ! Sometimes cats are ogresivny, but it is due to the fact that people are bad they were treated ! my cat is a great pet !

My favorite animal is cat. I like cats because they are so cute and pretty. Cats can be a many colors: black, gray, white, red. Cats can live at home but there are people who kicked the cats living on the street. I’m sorry these cats

Напишите эссе по английскому на тему: бездомные животные с плюсами и минусами.

Since the earliest childhood the phrase is familiar to us:  "A dog – the friend of the person".  And 
we got used to it and we don’t reflect that it means.  And she means 
a lot of things
 For a long time the dog (canis lupus familiaris) lives near us. 
Dogs rescuers help to get out people from under blockages; dogs
guides help to move to people with the weakened sight,
guard dogs (German shepherds, Shar-Peis, etc.) help to protect
various important objects, including Frontier;
hunting dogs (dachshunds, Labradors retrievers and so forth) help to get
game and wild animals; decorative dogs (Pekineses, toy terriers
etc.) please us. During the Great Patriotic War of a dog
pulled out wounded fighters from a battlefield … A lot of things dogs give us love
for that we are, and ask nothing in exchange. And than we answer them?
 I have a question:  "From where there were stray dogs?  " Answer 
on it it is very sad: "They once had an owner, but suddenly they became
are necessary to nobody.  " Little puppies touch us the awkwardness 
and that are extraordinary amusing.  But passes time, puppies grow and 
turn into adult dogs who already are pleasant not to all.  People 
throw out them on the street, as the bothered toy. So we betray friends.
 Homeless animals are doomed to hunger, diseases and death.  Separately 
it is necessary to notice problems of their traumatizing.  Many drivers 
the motor transport which becomes more increasing, at all 
stopping, leave, having brought down a dog or a cat.  The animal remains 
to suffer on the road waiting for the help which doesn’t come …  Whom 
then to call "animal":  the person who dooms this being on 
torments, or a stray dog who tormently carries out all the life?
 Vagrant dogs get off in packs and become extremely dangerous. 
Cases of attack of homeless animals on people are frequent. In our town
such animals attacked more than once adults and children.  That it:  protection or 
revenge? This my question remains without answer.
 But I hope that our society started recovering from indifference.  In 
the cities vagrant animals shelters where it appears to them open
veterinary help and simply kind relation.
 And, of course, we shouldn’t forget that we are PEOPLE!  We have to answer 
for the acts and their consequences.  If we sheltered an animal, she in 
which case shouldn’t be on street!  I again and again remember words 
from Antoine’s fairy tale Saint - Ekzyuperi "Little Prince":  "We in the answer for 
those whom tamed".

эссе на тему: приюты для животных на английском

Imagine you are alone on the street. You have nowhere to go, there is no one waiting for you or worrying about you anywhere in the whole city. You are so hungry that each movement seems to be unmanageable. There are hundreds of people going by, yet you cannot talk to them, they do not even notice you are suffering badly while lying here on a cold pavement, unaided, neglected, exhausted… If animals are able to think and feel which is quite possible, that is probably what numerous homeless dogs and cats you are passing during the day are experiencing. Is it fair though? And do we really have right to close the eyes to the fact of numerous living being suffering and struggling for life completely ignored and abandoned? I believe strongly in humans’ responsibility to protect those who are in need, and I claim that all humans have an ethical obligation to provide help to those who are so much dependent on us, to animals deprived of essential care and love.

These days millions of animals are stray, lost, or in shelters. Statistics of animals being euthanized or chucked out provided by official organizations is dreadful and, unfortunately, the numbers are rising every day. The problem of homeless and displaced animals is a huge one. Shelters today are overloaded. Domestic animals are left on the roadside doomed to take care for themselves. Pet shops and breeders carry on selling animals to the general public without considering the conditions or quality of life animals are put into after leaving the shops’ doors.

Most people enjoy taking care of animals. They even feel some sort of emotional connection with their domestic pets, treating them like rational creatures endowed with emotions, able to realize some facts and to experience sentiments. However, an animal we meet on the street we regard as being a beast, dull and primitive, deprived of any ability to feel. Just take few minutes to realize the dreadfulness of conditions they are doomed to struggle in. What if they actually are able to “think” and “feel”? Just imagine what they are going through.

Unlike homeless people, homeless animals have never had any choice. Most of them were either born already homeless or abandoned by their rightful owners. Animals that are kept in normal conditions never escape their homes. They cannot get addicted to alcohol or drugs; they cannot lose their job because of law-breaking practices or gamble their property away. Can they talk, or express dissatisfaction, or ask for help? They can only watch you passing by with those sad, hungry, sometimes wild eyes. However, their inability to express feelings, fears and pains doesn’t mean they have none. They need help just as any other suffering living beings do, and their being silent in no way means they wouldn’t cry for help if they could.

Most people justify own inaction by seemingly reasonable arguments such as “We cannot help everyone”, “We do not want to help someone unable to appreciate what we do for them”, “There should be some governmentally regulated system, spontaneous actions are ineffective”, etc. Personally I cannot understand how all those reasons comfort and prevent humans from providing at least elementary help. No doubts, the process of providing aid is much more efficient if being organized and systematized properly. However, it would be enough for one to get interested and to look around in order to notice that nowadays there are numerous nonprofit organizations that could harness one’s willingness to submit a helping hand to make the whole situation better. If being ready and able to help, you can face various options among which you are free to choose. You can make donations to official nonprofit organizations, participate in adoption programs, provide assistance to shelters, etc. – your choice will depend on what resources you own and how serious your intentions are.

We all have to finally look around and realize: homeless animals cry out for help, and we have to provide them with necessary aid. Humans should take care of whom they have tamed, since, as one little fox has once said “You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” It is up to all of us to turn this world into a nicer place for domestic animals. Making city streets look better by killing off innocent creatures is just a way too cruel to be ignored. So shouldn’t we finally put our humaneness into practice and justify our right to rule the world? I guess we should, and that is our moral obligation.

Написать мини ЭССЕ на тему: животные на грани исчезновения(на английском языке) желательно и на английском и на русском. Можно просто на английском

The number of the Amur tiger in Russia was reduced to 450 individuals. According to ecologists, there can be a situation when representatives of this look can be met only in zoos. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, in Russia there were less than five hundred individuals of this animal. For the last hundred years the area of dwelling of the Amur tiger was considerably reduced. Earlier the predator lived and in the northeast of China, and on the Korean peninsula, and even in Mongolia. Now practically all Amur tigers living in the wild nature live in the southeast of Russia – in Mountains Sikhote-Alin located to the East from Amur River. В переводчик скопируй будет на русском

Напишите ЭССЕ по английскому на тему: "плюсы и минусы содержания диких животных"
2)с одной стороны: On the one hand.
3)с другой стороны:On the other hand.
4)вывод: начинать так to

... sum up

The idea of having wild animals at home sounds unreal. But nowadays it’s become popular to buy pigs, ferrets and lizards. A lot of people think that it’s cool, when you have abosulutely unsual animal. As far as I conserned, it can be dangerous. Even if we have wild pet at home for years, we can’t give 100% guarantee that it became real domestic aminal. And who knows when it’ll show its wild side. Moreover, wild animals need much freedom. They used to play in big fields, eat another animals, that’s theirs way of living. It’s violent too close them in 4 walls. So, I suppose, I approve why it’s bad idea to have wild animal at home.
Так вроде бы тоже подойдет )) я сам в 7, и тоже должен это делать)

Нужно эссе по английскому на тему: бездомные животные

Walking along the street, we can always see some creatures. It can be a dog or a cat. They all are different, but there is one thing which unites them. These animals have not any home and any headmaster. The problem of such homeless animals is actual nowadays, and people try to find fairer and easier solution to this problem. 
As for my point of view, I consider that homeless animals can be very dangerous for people, and the easiest solution to this problem is to collect and put them to sleep. But at the same time, there is also another method solving the problem which, to my mind, is more humane and fairer than that one. It is to collect homeless animals and place them into special accommodations, so called shelters, where animals must be cleaned, fed and where they can live until they find a new headmaster or until they die. But unfortunately, not every government has enough amount of money or does not want to spend money for an organization of shelters for homeless animals. 
But, everyone knows, each problem has two opinions and this topic is not an exception. Some people claim that animals without owners should have the right to live on the streets. I consider that their opinion is wrong for the next reasons. First of all, we can quite often watch on TV occasions of street animals’ attack a person. But the most terrible thing is when a homeless animal attacks a child. In addition to, these animals can be carriers of various dangerous for people’s life diseases. 
In conclusion I would like to say that anyway I and many other people feel sorry for animals without owners because they are also beings as we and therefore they have the right to live as people have. Our task is to care of such animals as much as it is possible, because animals cannot care for themselves.

нужно написать эссе на английском. На тему:
There are a lot of zoos in the world and millions of people visit them every year.
But are zoos harmful or helpful

... to animals which are caged there?
Животные в зоопарке. Как вы к этому относитесь? Справедливо ли это?

I strongly believe that we should not keep animals in zoos because captivity is not natural for them and it is a constant stress to a wild animal. Keeping animals in zoos harms them by denying them freedom of movement and association. What is more, zoos are like prisons for animals as they live in small cages and do not get necessary food. In addition, animals become very aggressive and unpredictable as they get older and often attack zoo keepers and other people. However, most people think that zoos help endangered species survive. But this is not true because most rare animals are extremely difficult to breed in captivity. Besides, in zoos, it is almost impossible to meet the animals’ natural needs. Another argument for keeping animals in zoos is that people learn something new about these animals. Actually, zoos do not teach us much because animals do not act the way they would in the wild. I think we can learn more about animals by watching wildlife programs on TV. In conclusion, I would argue that zoos do not seem to help endangered species and keeping animals behind bars only for the sake of our entertainment is not quite fair. In my opinion, people must create nature reserves, where wild animals will be able to live in their natural environment.

эссе на тему: бездомные животные на английском. Напишите на английском и перевод

С самого раннего детства нам знакома фраза: "Собака - друг человека». И 
мы привыкли к ней и не задумываемся, что же это значит. А означает она 
многое. "
 С давних времен собака живет рядом с нами.  Собаки-спасатели помогают вызволять людей из-под завалов ; собаки-
поводыри помогают передвигаться людям с ослабленным зрением,
служебные собаки (немецкие овчарки, шарпеи и т. Д. ) помогают охранять
различные важные объекты, в том числе Государственную границу;
охотничьи собаки (таксы, лабрадоры ретриверы и пр. ) помогают добывать
дичь и диких животных; декоративные собаки (пекинесы, той-терьеры
и т. Д. ) радуют нас. Еще во время Великой Отечественной войны собаки
вытаскивали раненых бойцов с поля боя… Многое собаки дарят нам любовь
за то, что мы есть, и ничего не просят взамен. А чем же мы отвечаем им?
 У меня возникает вопрос: «Откуда появились бездомные собаки?» Ответ 
на него очень печален: «У них когда-то был хозяин, но вдруг они стали
никому не нужны. »Маленькие щенки умиляют нас своей неуклюжестью 
и тем, что необычайно забавны. Но проходит время, щенки вырастают и 
превращаются во взрослых собак, которые уже нравятся не всем. Люди 
выбрасывают их на улицу, как надоевшую игрушку. Так мы предаем друзей.
 Бездомные животные обречены на голод, болезни и смерть. Отдельно 
следует заметить проблемы их травмирования. Многие водители 
автомобильного транспорта, которых становится все больше, даже не 
останавливаясь, уезжают, сбив собаку или кошку. Животное остается 
мучиться на дороге в ожидании помощи, которая не приходит…Кого же 
тогда назвать «животным»: человека, который обрекает это существо на 
муки, или бездомную собаку, которая в муках проводит всю свою жизнь?
 Бродячие собаки сбиваются в стаи и становятся чрезвычайно опасными.  
Нередки случаи нападения бездомных животных на людей. В нашем городке
такие животные не раз нападали на взрослых и детей. Что это: защита или 
месть? Данный мой вопрос остается без ответа.
 Но я надеюсь, что наше общество начало излечиваться от равнодушия. В 
городах открываются приюты для бродячих животных, где им оказывается
ветеринарная помощь и просто доброе отношение.
 И, конечно, мы не должны забывать, что мы люди! Мы должны отвечать 
за свои поступки и их последствия. Если мы приютили зверушку, то она ни в 
коем случае не должна оказаться на улице! Я снова и снова вспоминаю слова 
из сказки Антуана де Сент- Экзюпери "Маленький принц": "Мы в ответе за 
тех, кого приручили".
Since the earliest childhood the phrase is familiar to us:  "A dog – the friend of the person".  And 
we got used to it and we don’t reflect that it means.  And she means 
a lot of things …
 For a long time the dog (canis lupus familiaris) lives near us. 
Dogs rescuers help to get out people from under blockages; dogs -
guides help to move to people with the weakened sight,
guard dogs (German shepherds, Shar-Peis, etc.) help to protect
various important objects, including Frontier;
hunting dogs (dachshunds, Labradors retrievers and so forth) help to get
game and wild animals; decorative dogs (Pekineses, toy terriers
etc.) please us. During the Great Patriotic War of a dog
pulled out wounded fighters from a battlefield … A lot of things dogs give us love
for that we are, and ask nothing in exchange. And than we answer them?
 I have a question:  "From where there were stray dogs?  " Answer 
on it it is very sad: "They once had an owner, but suddenly they became
are necessary to nobody.  " Little puppies touch us the awkwardness 
and that are extraordinary amusing.  But passes time, puppies grow and 
turn into adult dogs who already are pleasant not to all.  People 
throw out them on the street, as the bothered toy. So we betray friends.
 Homeless animals are doomed to hunger, diseases and death.  Separately 
it is necessary to notice problems of their traumatizing.  Many drivers 
the motor transport which becomes more increasing, at all 
stopping, leave, having brought down a dog or a cat.  The animal remains 
to suffer on the road waiting for the help which doesn’t come …  Whom 
then to call "animal":  the person who dooms this being on 
torments, or a stray dog who tormently carries out all the life?
 Vagrant dogs get off in packs and become extremely dangerous. 
Cases of attack of homeless animals on people are frequent. In our town
such animals attacked more than once adults and children.  That it:  protection or 
revenge? This my question remains without answer.
 But I hope that our society started recovering from indifference.  In 
the cities vagrant animals shelters where it appears to them open
veterinary help and simply kind relation.
 And, of course, we shouldn’t forget that we are PEOPLE!  We have to answer 
for the acts and their consequences.  If we sheltered an animal, she in 
which case shouldn’t be on street!  I again and again remember words 
from Antoine’s fairy tale Saint - Ekzyuperi "Little Prince":  "We in the answer for 
those whom tamed".