Сочинение на английском про фигуриста Плющенко или про Алину Кабаеву. Напишите про их победы, кубки. Про спортивную карьеру и тд.
Eugene was born on November 3, 1982 in the town of Solnechny, Khabarovsk Territory. At the age of four, a move to Volgograd took place in the biography of Evgeny Plushenko. It was there that Eugene began to figure skating.
The first big sports victory Plushenko took place in the 1996-1997 season. Then he became the first at the World Junior Championships. Already in the next season he took third place at the World Championships, as well as the Russian Championship, the second - at the European Championships. For the first time in his biography, Evgeni Plushenko became the world champion in 2001. Then I repeated the result twice (in 2003, 2004). Five times the figure skater won the European Championship. He has many awards, titles, awards. During his career he won 52 gold medals.
Написать о знаменитом спортсмене, с переводом
Евгений Плющенко (Евгений Викторович Плющенко, или Евгений Викторович Плющенко родился 3 ноября 1982 года в поселке Солнечный (Хабаровский край, СССР). Он победитель Зимних Олимпийских игр 2006 года и двукратный серебряный призер в зимних Олимпийских играх в 2002 и 2010, трехкратный чемпион мира, семикратный чемпион Европы, четырехкратный победитель финалов Гран-При и decyatikratny Чемпион России в мужском одиночном катании.
Заслуженный мастер спорта России, старший лейтенант российской армии. Лауреатом многих государственных наград, включая Орден Дружбы, Орден почета, медаль "За заслуги перед Отечеством » I степени медаль "за укрепление боевого Содружества" ( Министерство обороны ). Лауреат престижных номинаций. Евгений начал кататься в возрасте четырех лет. Мальчик был каток, чтобы укрепить слабое здоровье. Его первым тренером была Татьяна Скала. Затем он продолжал тренироваться под руководством Михаила Маковеева, который был семь лет выиграл свой первый конкурс - турнир " Хрустальный конек. " Когда Евгению было 11 лет, Дворец спорта в Волгограде был закрыт. Вынужденный выбирать между бросить на коньках или разлученный с семьей, он отправился один в Санкт-Петербурге подготовка группы легендарного Алексея Мишина, который тренирует олимпийского чемпиона Алексея Урманова 1994 и будущий олимпийский чемпион Алексей Ягудин. Евгений столкнулись с трудностями в течение первого года в Санкт Петербурга, за тысячи миль от своих родителей и сестер, живущих в коммунальной квартире, в условиях, непригодных для его молодой возраст. Евгений родители были вынуждены работать сверхурочно, чтобы поддержать сына, и несколько раз поднимали вопрос о его возвращении домой. Но воля и мечты были сильнее. Со временем, у жениной мамы переехала к нему в Петербург, и в моральной и материальной поддержке тренера Алексея Мишина, жизнь начала налаживаться, так что Евгений мог сосредоточиться на тренировках. Плющенко шло быстрыми темпами на международной арене под руководством Мишина. В 1997 году, в возрасте 14 лет он выиграл чемпионат мира среди юниоров в Сеуле (Южная Корея). В следующем 1998 году их было только 15 лет он сенсационно завоевал бронзовую медаль на Чемпионате Мира взрослых, вызывает большой ажиотаж вокруг его имени судьи и комментаторы все говорили о новой "чудо-мальчик".ЭТО БЫЛ ПЕРЕВОД
Evgeny Plushenko (Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko, or Yevgeny Viktorovich Plyushchenko) was born November 3, 1982 in the village of Sunny (Khabarovsk Krai, USSR). He’s a winner Winter Olympics in 2006 and two-time silver medalist in the Winter Olympics in 2002 and 2010, three-time world champion, seven-time European champion, four-time winner of the Grand Prix finals and decyatikratny champion Russia in the men’s singles skating.
Honored Master of Sports of Russia, a senior lieutenant of the Russian army. Won many state awards, including the Order of Friendship, the Order of Merit, a medal "For merits before Fatherland » I degree medal " For Strengthening Combat Commonwealth" ( Ministry of Defense ). Winner of prestigious nominations. Eugene started riding at the age of four. Boy was skating to strengthen weak health. His first coach was Tatiana Scala. He then went on to train under the guidance of Michael Makoveeva, which was seven years old won his first competition - Tournament " Crystal Skate." When Eugene was 11 years old, the Sports Palace in Volgograd was closed. Forced to choose between to quit skating or separated from his family, he went to one in St. Petersburg to train a group of legendary Alexei Mishin, who has coached Olympic champion Alexei Urmanova 1994 and future Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin. Eugene encountered difficulties during the first year in St. Petersburg, is thousands of miles from his parents and sisters, living in a communal apartment, in conditions unsuitable for his young age. Eugene parents were forced to work overtime to support his son, and several times raised the question of his return home. But the will and the dream were stronger. Over time, Zhenya’s mom moved in with him to St. Petersburg, and in moral and material support of coach Alexei Mishin, life began to improve, so that Eugene could concentrate on training. Plushenko has progressed rapidly in the international arena under the tutelage Mishin. In 1997, at age 14 he won the World Junior Championships in Seoul (South Korea). The following 1998 only 15 years of age he sensationally won the bronze medal at the World Championships in adults, causing a big hype around his name by judges and commentators all talking about a new "miracle boy."
Write what sports rules every sportsman should follow.
Написать о том что все спортсмены должны соблюдать спортивные правила. Почему?
правила одежды:
The concept of «dress-code» is not the only major companies or inspirational night clubs, but in the big sports. The participants of the competition must be in a form. Question - in what. For example, the European chess Union recently «tightened» dress codes for Grand masters of the beautiful sex. And the international Federation of volleyball on the current week allowed the beach variations of this sport instead of the usual mini-bikini wear shorts just above the knee and t-shirts. «NOR» studied the topic of sports and unsportsmanlike the dress code.For lovers of beach volleyball, especially women, immediately notify: to abandon the bikini in the sport are not going to. The new rules of the equipment adopted for the countries where there are restrictions in the women’s clothing on религиознам reasons. All the rest can still feel the sand courts more or less freely. But as for chess, there really decided to «extend» skirts and «downgrading» neck " as of now, regardless of the temperature in the tournament room athletes allowed to unbutton a maximum of two buttons on the blouses and dresses. The shoes are encouraged strict shoes, including at the hairpin, but are prohibited by the Vietnamese and other beach options. Sunglasses are permitted, but hats, except for the religious, no. It is prohibited bright and causing the clothing as well as accessories. Not only the participants, but also among the audience. Нарушительниц dress code judge now has the right to change, and if this is without effect, and may include technical defeat.
The reason for the introduction of more stringent rules of the equipment of a number of incidents, when the women came to the games room in the garment, more suitable not for competition of intellects, and in the evening of acquaintances. Naturally, the audience was not up to the chess.
The desire of the European chess officials to make their athletes gray arms is contrary to the now fashionable idea popularization of the ancient games. Including at the expense of beautiful grandmasters, which is a show that apart from the gambit. But in the European chess Union of such reproaches dismiss " dress code applies only to the tournament room and not to the things that go athletes outside its walls. By the way, all the charm of the new restrictions have already experienced the participants of the March of the championship of Europe, which was held in the Turkish city of Gaziantep. The first pancake, it seems, was successful. In any case, at the ceremony of awarding the winners were in skirts and dresses, the length of which is clearly not adequate to put «no more than 10 centimeters above the knees».
In terms of dress code apart in the world of sport is tennis. Once all the masters of racket played only in white. And only in the 80-ies of the last century became boldly experiment with colors and patterns. Moreover, and here in the fashionable mini. Although the Wimbledon tournament and to this day adheres to conservative views on the equipment. At the most prestigious tournament of «the Big helmet» operates a strict dress code that requires athletes dressed only in white tone. Restrictions do not concern only small accessories - logos or bandages. The main form for men are white t-shirts and shorts, although slight easing allowed. For example, Spaniard Rafael Nadal a few years ago brought his own style - shirt with the sleeves cut off and «pirate pants, and organizers of Wimbledon found it acceptable.
Написать о любимом спортсмене
My favorite athlete is Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is known basketball in the NBA. Once I saw him play on TV and I really enjoyed it. The games were very interesting.
Michael Jordan was born in New York in 1963. It is 198santimetrov, and his number 23. Michael Jordan was the NBA Most Valuable Player five times, and was the NBA FinalsMost Valuable Player six times. He was selected in 1996 as one of the 50 greatest players in NBA history. Michael Jordan is the god of basketball. He has worked with many of the spirit, and he tried his best to win the game. He is always rushed into the breach to gain points when the team behind the other team. Spirit of Michael Jordan, that he never gave up. Maybe it was a of the secrets of the success of MichaelDzhordana. Takoy spirit is important in our lives, so we should try to be like Michael Jordan, if we are to succeed in life.
Напишите о спорте и о спортсменов на английском языке
A footballer is a dream job for most boys and even girls. If parents did not insist on other professions for their children, almost all the boys would become footballers. But, of course, the real professionals are not all. And only the units become the legend of football. Hulk-is one of those players, whose name almost never disappears from the newspaper headlines. He is strong and fast, his strikes are aiming and accurate. Watching him on the pitch seems to be the perfect forward. It was the basis of the St. Petersburg Zenit and the Brazil national team.
Футболист — это профессия-мечта для большинства мальчишек и даже девчонок. Если бы родители не настаивали на других профессиях для своих детей, почти все мальчишки стали бы футболистами. Но, конечно, настоящими профессионалами становятся не все. И только единицы становятся легендой футбола. Халк – это один из тех футболистов, имя которого практически никогда не исчезает из газетных заголовков. Он силен и быстр, его удары прицельны и точны. Наблюдая за ним на поле, кажется, что он идеальный форвард. Он появлялся в основе питерского «Зенита» и сборной Бразилии.
Написать про любого спортсмена / спортсменка на английском языке (не русские)
Andrey Sergeyevich Arshavin was born on May 29, 1981 to Leningrad (nowadays – St. Petersburg). The love to football in Arshavin since the childhood was brought up by the father. It was the quite good player therefore aspired and to see in the son similar attachment to game. Andrey Arshavin was fond also of drafts, even had on them the youthful category. Andrey was engaged in the House of pioneers and school students of the Vasileostrovsky area. His instructor convinced that professional game in drafts is that area where Arshavin can reach considerable successes. But Andrey Arshavin chose other way – football.
Написать про спортсменку на английском с переводом на русский
Maria Sharapova (April 19, 1987, Nyagan, USSR) - Russian tennis player and former first racket of the world, one out of ten women in history who have so-called "career Slam" (winning all the Grand Slam tournaments in different years), one of the leaders for advertising earnings among world athletes
Мари́я Ю́рьевна Шара́пова (19 апреля 1987, Нягань, СССР) — российская теннисистка, экс первая ракетка мира, одна из десяти женщин в истории, кто обладает так называемым «карьерным шлемом» (выиграла все турниры Большого шлема в разные годы), одна из лидеров по рекламным заработкам среди спортсменов мира
Написать про любимого спортсмена своими словами. Боксер Головкин.
Геннадий Геннадиевич Головкин родился 8 апреля 1982 года — казахстанский боксёр. Чемпион мира 2003 года и финалист Олимпийских игр 2004 года. Заслуженный мастер спорта Республики Казахстан. 7-кратный чемпион первенств Республики Казахстан, победитель международных турниров: чемпион мира среди молодежи 2000 года, победитель первой Спартакиады Республики Казахстан 2001 года, победитель Кубка мира среди нефтяных стран 2001 года, чемпион ІІІ Восточно-Азиатских игр (2001 г. ), чемпион мира 2003 года, финалист XXVIII Летних Олимпийских игр в Афинах (2004 г. ). В 2006 году перешёл в профессиональный бокс. Выступает в средней весовой категории.