Напишите эссе на тему: "Подростки и мусор"

Each of us is an integral part of nature. We like to watch the first drippings, heralding the beginning of spring; for the first snow, turning the town into a white tale; the autumn leaf fall, covering the ground with a Golden carpet. Increasingly, however, we forget that all this beauty very much depends on us, how we treat it. After all this will not happen if people do not cease to transform our planet into a large garbage dump. 
 Yes, we are waiting for spring, but in spring the snow melts, exposing everything that people threw at him, thinking that it’s not scary, no one will ever see. But we can see. See it all when the snow is gone, and nature’s first green is unable to hide all this garbage. We should treat the natural environment like their own home, but at home we do not leave unnecessary things on the floor.
It is important to protect nature, because we have to pass this world on to our children, who must see him as we see him. For them the world must be clean. It should not be garbage bags scattered along the roads. They should not see the beer bottles standing on every corner. Our children should learn from us to save this world, we are adopting a useful habit not to litter. If they learn, then in turn will try to transfer their children from the world they showed us.

Напишите топик на тему: "When are the best years of your life"
желательно про подростковое время

My school years
Nowadays we are often told that school time is the best period in people’s life. There are many reasons for this opinion. I agree with it. But some people have argument against it.
School years are the happiest ones for me. In the first place good education is essential. I need it for my future life and my career. In the second place I have many friends at school. I have met my close friend here. We get on well with each other. She is able to listen to me, to give a good piece of advice. Her support helps me feel calm. If you ask me about school friendship, I am sure it’s forever. We have been friends with Alina for ten years since we were six. We listen to bands like Muse. Besides just listening to music we have been drawing almost every day for four years. In the third place we take part in extracurricular activity. I can’t imagine my life without arranging school parties, picnocs, Nature days, sports competitions, Playing the roles in school performances, painting the posters, making plans for concerts have become the focus of my life.
However, other people think school is boring. But I believe everything depends on you. Moreover students worry about the lack of free time, only school and homework. I think people cannot organise their time in a proper way. So it leads to the problem of managing their spare time. Other reasons are difficult subjects and worries about exams. If you do your best you won’t worry about it. Everything is in your hands!
In conclusion I’d like to say the majority of students in my class think school years to bethe happiest days. I have the same opinion.

Подростковый период - лучший период в нашей жизни Эссе.

Подростковый возраст является одним из наиболее кризисных возрастных периодов. Именно в это время становления личности ребенок становится "трудным". Как правило, подросткам присущи предельная неустойчивость настроения, поведения, постоянные колебания самооценки, ранимость, неадекватность реакции. Этот возраст богат конфликтами и осложнениями. Все это требует от взрослых, окружающих подростка, пристального внимания, предельной тонкости, деликатности, вдумчивости.  

У слова «подросток» всегда наготове определение «трудный». Говоря так, родители обычно имеют ввиду, что с ним трудно найти общий язык. Но самое важное, что здесь нужно постараться дать родителям понять, так это то, что этот период труден, прежде всего, и для самого ребенка тоже. Это период потерь детского мироощущения, расставания с более беззаботным и безответственным моментом жизни - детством. Это время мучительных сомнений в себе и своих возможностях. Это пора кризисов, драматических переживаний. И от того, как подросток пройдет через все это, зависит в дальнейшем его физическое и психическое здоровье. И благополучное завершение этого возрастного этапа в жизни ребенка в значительной мере зависит от самих родителей. И вместо упреков и порицаний ребенок в первую очередь нуждается в их принятии и эмоциональной поддержке.

Напишите эссе по английскому языку (примерно 250 слов, ).
Тема эссе: Проблемы подростков.

During the teen years children often try to gain independence from their parents. They can push limits, break rules and overstep boundaries. Many of them are not satisfied with their appearance, their families and other things about them. So they often suffer from low self-esteem. As a result teenagers often collide with depression. In order not to feel lonely they tend to join some groups. Usually these groups consist of unformal youth.
Young people think adult life as a life full of freedom, independence and let themselves try "adult things" like drinking or staying out at night.

необходимо эссе по английскому на тему: "должны ли подростки помогать родителям воспитывать братьев или сестер?". Три аргумента.

Must teens help their parents to bring up their sisters or brothers?

On the one hand they must because they must help their parents.

But on the other hand may be teen didn’t want another child in their family, but it was born. So why he or she must be responsible about this child in the future?

As for me, I think teens must help their parents and more than that when you grow up who will be the most close person to you? Only your brother or sister who you have treated like you like? Have you ever thought about it?

сделать эссе по английскому языку по теме: "Modern teenagers differ from young people who lived twenty years ago. They have
different interests and hobbies which sometimes cause misunderstanding."

Time is changing people becoming older and older and others are newborn. I was born 21st century, but my granny and parents were born a long time ago. I think, that this state is true6 sometimes I argue with my parents about technology or homework, or why I spend so mach time in front of computer. This misunderstanding is caused by the time, when we were born. First of all they didn’t have any computers and phone, their free time was only  going out with friends, playing some games in the village.  They didn’t travel around the world, they haven’t seen any beautiful european countries. They had their own opinions and interests, because the didn’t have any opportunity. But sometimes it depends on person. World is full of different people, some of them can learn some new information and become more intelligent, smarter, but there are people, who chose to be like they are6 they don’t want to do some new things, maybe they are too old to understand us. To sum up I want to say, that we only have to accept the fact, that we are going to argue with parents or someone else. Misunderstanding will always be between generations.

помогиие написать эссе на тему:"Причины суицида у подростков"

Recently the theme of teenage suicide is becoming more important. About this more frequently in the press. Because, unfortunately, is becoming more and more cases when teenagers choose care.
Of course, the subject of the article is heavy. Very suggest that you now want to close the page and not to read further. "It will never happen to us" is the first thought when it comes to such difficult things. But still there are things that need to know every parent. At least in General terms. Including the causes of suicide in adolescence and signs of suicidal behaviour.
Let it never will be useful for you. But statistics show that 17% of teenagers think about suicide. 13% - planning and 6% of males and 10% of girls - make an attempt. Think about the numbers. And this is not "difficult adolescents". In this statistics - girl-student, delivery of the 11 floor of two in school. The students, in General, are leading in the number of depressions. Least of all are exposed to them - Twoness.
The main causes of suicide in adolescence - family conflicts, fear of violence, conflicts between children in school, conflicts with teachers or friends, separation from loved ones. According to statistics of the Russian Prosecutor General’s office, these causes account for 62% of all cases of adolescent suicidal behavior. Therefore, knowing that the teenager got into any of these situations, parents and teachers need to pay careful attention to his behavior.
Cases of suicide could have been much smaller if the adults better understand the causes of suicide in adolescence and timely assistance to adolescents in the "risk group", that is suffering from the above mentioned factors. Provided their contact with adolescent psychologist. Could at least superficially diagnose suicidal behavior among adolescents. And the alarm bells before getting late.

The modern teenagers’ lifestyle and education is no preparation for the challenges of grown up life. To what extent do you agree?
Образ жизни и образование современных подростков не являются подготовкой к

... проблемам взрослой жизни. Насколько вы с этим согласны?
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1) To begin with, that nowadays there are  really a lot of young people who lead unhealthy lifestyle. For example, they use alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances.  
2) According to the Internet statistics the public in general tend to believe that the situation in our country is catastrophic. That is why, Russia is starting to test schoolchildren for drugs for the first time the world. As for me, I believe this issue is controversial.  
3) On one hand, young people can not live in isolation. They are looking for dialogue, want to have fun and a good time. That’s why the majority of young people are trying to make friends and join the big companies in various youth groups. For example, some of these groups are engaged in research, compose and perform music, go to the mountains, exploring the past of our country studying the past of our country and take care of veterans. This is great! But there are youth groups that choose to use alcohol and drugs, they are promoting hatred, violence and racial hostility. This is a bad group. Young people are very hard to choose because they lack life experience. That’s why young people need to listen to the views of parents and teachers.
4) On the other hand,  I will never enter into the group that ruin my life and health because it’s my life and I don’t want to live in problems. And there are many young people who think so.  I believe that it is illegal to test me for drug or alcohol. It is humiliatingly and unfair. I think young people should be free and have equal rights with adults.
5) In conclusion, I want to say that everyone chooses his own way in life. I think nothing makes a person to love life, you just need to look seriously into the future and think about a career, your future work and a family.  
Начну с того, что в наши дни действительно много молодых людей ведут неправильный образ жизни. Например, они употребляют алкоголь, наркотики и другие вредные вещества. По данным различных исследований ситуация в нашей стране почти катастрофическая. Вот почему Россия начала тестирование школьников на наркотики впервые во всем мире. Что касается меня, то я считаю этот вопрос спорным.  C одной стороны, молодежь не может жить в одиночестве. Они ищут общения, хотят веселиться и хорошо проводить время. Вот почему большинство молодых людей стараются дружить большими компаниями и вступать в разные молодежные группы. Например, некоторые такие группы занимаются научными исследованиями, сочиняют и исполняют музыкальные произведения, ходят в горы, изучают  прошлое нашей страны, заботятся о ветеранах. Это здорово! Но есть такие молодежные группы, которые предпочитают употреблять алкоголь и наркотики, они пропагандируют ненависть, насилие и расовую неприязнь. Это плохие группы. Молодым людям очень трудно сделать выбор, потому что у них не хватает жизненного опыта. Вот почему подросткам необходимо прислушиваться к мнению родителей и учителей. C другой стороны, я никогда не вступлю в группу, которая испортит мне жизнь и здоровье? Потому что это моя жизнь, и я не хочу жить в проблемах. И таких как я очень много. Я считаю, что это противозаконно проверять меня на употребление наркотиков. Это унизительно и несправедливо. По-моему, молодежь должна быть свободной и иметь равные права со взрослыми. В заключении хочу сказать, что каждый сам выбирает свою дорогу в жизни. Я думаю, ничто  не заставит человека любить жизнь, для этого нужно просто серьезно смотреть в будущее и думать о карьере, будущей работе и семье.

Напишите эссе на тему: надо ли подросткам работать по три аргумента за и против и можно с контр аргументом и заключением пожал надо

Today many children school students go to earn additionally. Someone finds a job for the period of summer vacations, and someone goes for work after study or during week-end day. Indisputable plus  the school student can try himself practically any profession. For seniors it is fine opportunity that will decide on future specialty. If a difficult financial position the teenager can as help with a family. Earning money they go on its personal pocket expenses. Earning money imparts to the teenager independence, understanding as money difficult is given. However employment of subgrowth bears for itself and a number of shortcomings. One of minuses the side job after school disturbs study. Besides, having started earning independently money, the teenager won’t be any more under control of parents that can spoil the relations in a family. Then that work of teenagers has pluses and minuses. Therefore before starting earning additionally, it is necessary to weigh everything.

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