Эссе "my school", с переводом
School is beginning. She like no one and nothing else, turns you into a person. It is there we begin to open up, to take the first decent application about themselves to the world.
School is the first step to independent living. Because a lot happens for the first time: first lesson and the first victory, and first major defeat, and first love.
In school we come timid, shy and clumsy. With hand to hand we pass the parent to the teacher first. And how many experiences, but we were lucky with the first teacher – kind, wise. She became like a second mother. The teacher taught us not only to read and write, and make friends, to understand that the homeland begins with "pictures in your primer".
School is not only educational centre is a school of life. We learn here important: to be honest, responsive, purposeful, to be able to live in the team. In school we are building our "I" brick by brick, slowly, carefully. Help us in this our teachers. I was very lucky – they are not only teachers, but friends. Friends who give wise advice, a shoulder to lean on and will show the right path lost. Their attention to us, patience is admired, and the soul is overwhelmed with gratitude. School teachers teach us to overcome themselves, their laziness, disorganization, and not to stop on reached and to move forward.
In school we spend most of the time. We will grow together with her. We live her life and she ours. At home we speak mainly about school. Parents, to some extent, we’re kind of "jealous" teachers. Union home and school is always very necessary because in complex with an optimal interaction of these two key social institutions and the maximum effect is achieved. Emphasis is placed on this.
The importance of school is that it largely determines the destiny of man. The school gives wings and learns to fly, and we must choose how to fly and to choose the right course.
It will take years. We will definitely remember your school, teachers, classmates, we will tell about it to their children. These memories will be bright, because the "school years wonderful".
Перевод: Школа – это начало начал. Она, как никто и ничто другое, превращает человека в личность. Именно там мы начинаем раскрываться, делать первую достойную заявку о себе миру.
Школа – это первый шаг к самостоятельной жизни. Ведь многое происходит впервые: и первый урок, и первая победа, и первое серьезное поражение, и первая любовь.
В школу мы приходим робкими, застенчивыми и неумелыми. С рук в руки передают нас родители первой учительнице. А сколько было переживаний, но нам повезло с первой учительницей – доброй, мудрой. Она стала нам второй мамой. Учительница научила нас не только читать и писать, а и дружить, понять, что родина начинается «с картинки в твоем букваре».
Ведь школа – это не только общеобразовательный центр, это школа жизни. Мы учимся здесь важному: быть честными, отзывчивыми, целеустремленными, уметь жить в коллективе. В школе мы строим свое «Я» по кирпичику, тяжело, медленно, осторожно. Помогают нам в этом наши учителя. Мне очень повезло – они не только учителя, но и друзья. Друзья, которые дадут мудрый совет, подставят плечо и укажут правильный путь заблудившемуся. Их внимание к нам, терпение вызывает восхищение, а душу переполняют слова благодарности. Школьные учителя учат нас преодолевать себя, свою лень, неорганизованность, не останавливаться на достигнутом и идти вперед. В школе мы проводим большую часть времени. Мы срастаемся с ней. Мы живем ее жизнью, а она нашей. Дома мы разговариваем в основном о школе. Родители, в какой-то мере, начинают нас по-доброму «ревновать» к учителям. Союз дома и школы всегда очень необходим, так как именно в комплексе, при оптимальном взаимодействии этих двух важнейших социальных институтов и достигается максимальный эффект. Этому уделяется большое внимание.
Важность школы в том, что она во многом определяет судьбу человека. Школа дает крылья и учит летать, а нам надо правильно выбрать как лететь и выбрать правильный курс.
Пройдут годы. Мы обязательно будем вспоминать свою школу, учителей, одноклассников, мы будем рассказывать о ней своим детям. Эти воспоминания будут светлыми, ведь «школьные годы - чудесные».Составить сочинение на тему: "OUR SCHOOL" т. Е. НАША ШКОЛА. Вот немного о школе моя школа находиться в Павлодаре. Это 29 школа. Директор Ибрагимов Ф. И
пишу в общем подставишь сама некоторые даные.
i study at school number 29. it is very large/ small. there are. flooors in my shool. there are a lot of classrooms in it. the Director"s name is F. I. Ibragimov, he is sympathetic and kind person, he loves children very much. my school is located in Pavlodar. my class leader, Ivanova N. М, a teacher with a capital letter, a teacher who has a great pedagogical experience. the lessons are very interesting, she is able to combine games and stories, she is able to discipline the class and at the same timeof a lot of fun on the lessons
our classroom is large. there are three windows. the windos, the door and the celling are white. the floor is brown. our classroom is decorated with flowera and pictures. there are flowers on the windows-sills and pictures are on the walls. my school is beautiful, there are lots of children in it. in the school there are lots of concerts and competitions.
life in school is intresting. in the morning we go to school, and after school don’t want to return home. I would also like to mention the dining room. at the changes in the school is such a smell that we barely wait for the big break to buy something. my school is the best
Английский топик коротко My school
My school is a three-storeyed building.
It is quite big with sport ground behind it, inside swimming pool.
On the groundfloor there are the classrooms for the primary-
school pupils, workshops, library.
There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops.
The boys of our school have a woodwork room too.
There is a room for manual works for girls.
Teachers teach them how to cook, sew and design clothes.
Our school library is nice and clean.
Two librarians help pupils to find books they need.
There are many bookcases and bookshelves with a lot of books there.
If you enter the school and turn right you see a big light dining-room.
It is always busy and noisy, but it is clean.
Here pupils and their teachers have their lunch.
There are blue curtains on the windows and beautiful pictures on the walls.
There is a gymnasium on the ground floor as well.
Our physical training lessons are held there.
Pupils like to go there even after the lessons, because it has a lot of sport equipment.
Our school has many classrooms.
The classrooms are light and spacious.
There are three large windows in each classroom with flower pots on the window sills.
Each room has teacher’s table, pupils desks, blackboard, tables and charts on the wall, maps and portraits.
There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology,
History, Geography, English, and Russian.
On the third floor there is a big nice assemble hall.
A lot of meetings, concerts, festivals are held there.
Our classroom is on the second floor. Its windows face the school-yard.
Our form-mistress is a teacher of Russian language and literature.
We respect her very much, she is a kind and knowledgeable teacher.
She teaches us Russian and is so fond of her subject, that each of us can not help liking too.
When I think about my school I don’t remember its walls and desks; it is my teachers and school-mates who will be always with me.