Очень Сочинение эссе (по любой книге или рассказу)
на английском конечно же

Reading books. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. I think that we can’t live without them. We learned a lot of interesting things from books. I am sure that books play a very important role in our life. Thanks to book we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Book develops our feelings and emotions, it makes us think, suffer and rejoice together with the characters of the book. It’s also a source of knowledge and useful information about all sorts of things. Books are divided into 2 major categories: fiction and non-fiction. Books of fiction are imaginary stories. The writer makes us the characters and events. Sometimes a writer bases on real events. There are following kinds of fiction: tales, myths, legends, poetry, plays and novels. Non-fiction books are about real events, people or nature. They give factual material about history, nature. As for me I like detectives and fantastic stories. My favorite detective story is “The adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by A. C. Doyle. I like it because when you read it you will never know till the last page who is the murderer and it’s very interesting. Also I like “The lord of the ring” by J. J. R. Tolkien. 

Напишите эссе на англ. яз. На тему как важно читать книги. На уровне 9 класса. Спасибо

Я очень люблю домашних питомцев и прочих домашних животных. Мои бабушка и дедушка всегда держали свой собственный курятник и группу очаровательных кроликов, так что я привыкла к присутствию животных с самого детства. У них также есть одна кошка, чтобы защищать хозяйство от мышей и одна сторожевая собака. Все эти создания приносят пользу людям, однако больше всего я люблю собак. Сколько я себя помню, я всегда любила собак всех размеров, цветов и пород. Когда я была маленькой, отец купил щенка немецкой овчарки. Ее звали Джина, и это было милейшее существо. Мы часто гуляли и играли с ней. Вскоре, друг моего отца забрал Джину для охраны своего особняка. Когда я стала старше, я буквально влюбилась в бульдогов, поэтому мы приобрели одного щенка. Он был кремового цвета и его звали Макс. Макс был очень игривым и смешным. Он мог подолгу храпеть и хрюкать. Его любимыми занятиями были есть, спать и играть. Это был милый щенок. Он знал, что мы его любим и возвращал эту любовь с лихвой. Когда Макс подрос, мы отвели его в специальную школу собак, где он обучался разным трюкам и стал послушным. Из него получился хороший сторожевой пес. Никто не мог войти в наш дом без его разрешения. Кроме того, Макс был умным существом. Временами он помогал по дому. Например, когда к нам приходили гости, он приносил им тапочки, что было довольно мило с его стороны. Единственная его слабость заключалась в том, что он ел слишком много сладкого. Каждый раз, когда мы оставляли его одного дома, мы прятали все сладости.

I’m very fond of pets and any domestic animals. My grandparents have always had their own chicken coop and a group of adorable rabbits, so I’m used to having various animals around from the very childhood. They also keep one cat to protect their household from mice and one guard dog. All these creatures are of great help to people, however my favorite is the dog. As long as I remember myself I have always liked dogs of all sizes, colour and breeds. When I was little my father bought a German Shepherd puppy. Its name was Gina and it was a cute creature. We used to walk and play with her. Soon, my dad’s friend took Gina to guard his property. When I became older I fell in love with bulldogs, so we bought one puppy. It was of creamy colours and its name was Max. Max was very playful and funny. He could snore and grunt for hours. His favorite activities were eating, sleeping and playing. It was a lovable puppy. He knew that we loved him and he returned this love in all possible ways. When Max grew we took him to a special dog school, where he was trained to do different tricks and to be obedient. He became a good watching dog. Nobody could enter our house without his permission. Besides, Max was a smart creature. He would sometimes help around the house. For example, when we had guests over, he would bring them slippers to wear, which was rather nice from him. The only weakness he had was eating too many sweets. Each time we left him alone in the house, we put all the sweet stuff away.

Напишите эссе на английском языке. На тему "Книги в нашей жизни"

It is difficult to imagine a world in which there is no book. To her we are accustomed to from childhood, she reveals to us the wonderful mysteries of life and gave useful advice at a difficult moment, taught us to understand ourselves.
The major purpose of the book - to preserve the knowledge accumulated over centuries, and transmit them to future generations. Because of this was made possible the rapid progress of humanity in the past century in the field of science. Most scientific discoveries are made on the basis of the previously accumulated and systematized information, the results of experiments from around the world. The knowledge that we receive from the books allow us to move forward without wasting time on finding that someone already known. Book, we owe the fact that today we can enjoy the masterpieces of ancient literature.
Communication with the book helps a person to develop and improve. For in order to understand the meaning that the author tries to convey to the reader, should be read carefully, carefully, to connect their own experience, to be able to analyze the information. And if the reader is possible, before it opens a whole world of interesting events, deep spiritual experiences, intellectual discovery.
At all times, the book was treated as a shrine. Once, before the invention of printing technology, books were copied by hand, and their covers were adorned with gold and precious stones. Book book is considered to be the Bible - an ancient and eternal treasure trove of wisdom on all occasions that come to us through the complicated history of two millennia. Principles set out therein are relevant and life today.
The book, written many centuries ago, helps us to know the world and thinking of our ancestors, thus revealing the secrets of human nature. Through books we can trace the evolution of a person’s world, social order, ethical standards. Books store all the known history of our existence on Earth.
Today, several book losing its position in relation to other high-tech means of communication. But, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. E-books that can be found on the Internet is much easier and faster access to information, the right person. But supporters of the traditional reading of books will always be a lot, because communication with the printed book is a special feeling, if you talk to a live person.

ЭССЕ на английском, тема: что лучше электронные книги или обычные

I can’t but admit the fact, that it took me time to get used to my e-reader and honestly estimate its advantages. As I come from a family of passionate book-lovers, I had always valued books, their smell, the exclusiveness of their pictures and fonts, and a romantic idea of having a home library. E-reader has produced some kind of revolution in my attitude to books and reading.

First of all we have to start with the notion of progress. Everyone agrees that progress is good. E-reader is the next step from the paper book, and the whole world would sooner a later make this step.

Paper books nowadays are very, very expensive. With an e-reader you can download e-books for free or much cheaper (sometimes e-books are 10 times cheaper than paper editions). Modern e-books deliver illustrations and fonts of the same quality as printed books do. If speaking about new publications, you can’t at once understand, would you enjoy reading them, and buying a printed book you make a hard choice, pay at once and if you later find it a poor literary quality, the price you paid will make you regret. At this price you can download 6-8 new publications and give up reading if you don’t like without any material regrets.

Смотрите также:  Сочинение по английскому на тему: Мое отношение к чтению книг

E-reader is a modern device, designed to comfort the process of reading in the best possible way. Modern e-readers have wi-fi access to the internet, and you can download books directly. Think about it, it’s amazing! Books in different languages are available as never! Moreover, the dictionaries are integrated into the e-readers, or you can download the dictionary you need or prefer.

It is a huge step in the development of information society. From the point of view of access to information, books and educational facilities it’s something really outstanding.

Then comes the idea of the storage of printed books. Yes, reading e-books can’t make you boast carefully selected library, but gives you an opportunity to read more. And e-books do not occupy real space. The idea is to read a thousand of books, not to show off that your library contains this thousand. Safe the woods!

Going for a vacation, you don’t have to make a difficult choice of what can you afford with your luggage, you can take twenty books with you and the weight won’t change – 200 grams. Isn’t it a huge advantage? 

"Напишите эссе о лучшем способе изучения английского языка. ( с помощью чтения книг и прослушивание записей и т д( на Ваше усмотрение)"
Mcfisher Надеюсь Вы ответите хорошо.

                           The best way to learn English
      I thinhk, everyone knows how important to know the English language. It is becoming world’s  main language and more and more people are learning English all over the world.  I decided to learn this language, when I was  sixteen years old. At first, I learnt English through books which was boring. The best way to learn English is to live native speaker’s country. But, what should people do if they’re not in English native speaker’s country? Yeah, it’s boring to learn languages via books. But there is a very good teacher in the world whose name is Internet. There are so many amazing websites that give very important information about how to learn languages. And Youtube is the best friend for language learners. There are teachers, professors, and so many people who teach languages perfectly especilly English On Youtube. If you don’t understand rules you can ask them questions and teachers who is a native speaker will answer you. And you can be friends with English people to improve your pronunciation on the Internet which is great!  You can chat with them via Skype, Viber and so on. In conclusion, I want to write that one can learn English without attending different language courses, without reading boring books, without going to teachers’ home and I’m sure it!

Изучение иностранных языков стало очень важным в современном обществе. Люди стали больше общаться со своими сверстниками, живущими за рубежом. У людей появилось больше возможностей посетить разные страны. С одной стороны, можно воспользоваться услугами переводчика и не изучать иностранные языки. Но с другой стороны уровень образованности человека зависит и от знания иностранных языков тоже. Делаем вывод, что грамотные человек должен знать как минимум один иностранный язык.
Что касается методов изучения иностранных языков хочу сказать, что они должны быть в комплексе. Человеку необходимо выучить много слов, много читать литературы, заниматься грамматикой и, конечно, очень много слушать иностранную речь. Я искренне считаю, что разговорную речь невозможно выучить самому, я думаю, что лучший способ выучить иностранный язык это индивидуальные занятия с репетитором или групповые курсы глубокого погружения. Но самое, главное, у человека должно быть огромное желание научиться говорить на иностранном языке.
В заключение хочу сказать, что каждый выбирает свой метод изучения иностранных языков и сам идет к своей цели.
Learning foreign languages has become very important in our modern society. People began to communicate with their peers living abroad more and more. They have more opportunities to visit different countries. On the one hand, you can use the services of an interpreter and not to learn any foreign language. But on the other hand a person’s educational level depends on knowledge of foreign languages too. I believe that an educated person should know at least one foreign language.
As for the methods of learning foreign languages I would like to say that they must be different.  People have to learn a lot of words by heart, to read plenty of literature, to study many grammar rules and, of course, to hear a foreign speech. I honestly think that studying of any foreign language is impossible if you decide to learn it by yourself,  I think that the best way to learn any  foreign language, is by means of individual  lessons with a tutor or group courses. But most importantly, that a person must have great desire to learn speaking a foreign language.
In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone has his or her own methods of learning foreign languages and goes to one’s goal. 

Ребятки Надо написать эссе по английскому на тему:"Книги":***

Happy is the man who is friends with the book, and no, in my opinion, more unhappy than those who don’t like to read. After reading the book - it is not easy to obitain any information that is an immersion into the world of fantasy huge number of very different and very talanted authors. And maybe not a fantasy, and most of these expriences, real travel and many others.
The book - a source of knowledge! How many interesting and incredible can learn from books: love, happiness, distant lands. A encyclopedias and dictionaries to answer even the most difficult question. 
The book - a wondeful way of entertainment. After all, there’s nothing better a pleasant evening in the company of interesting books: novels, detective or someone’s memoirs. Not so important that each of us loves what genre preference. The main thing - to read it and enjoy all these "shaped as letters" getting incomparable to anything fun. 

There is an English proverb that says, "Books and friends should be few but good". And "Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book!" I totally agree with it. Any book is a wonderful thing! Just imagine – it may seem that it’s just paper pages with a cover and letters inside, sometimes with pictures. But the moment you start reading a book the whole new world opens to you! New characters, scenes, lives, events. It’s like real life in miniature. So, a book is truly one of the greatest inventions of man. We learn so many things by reading books. Books teach us to live. A book can be a faithful friend and a teacher. Reading a book you open new horizons for yourself. A book can form our values and our characters. It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future and to look into the past. One can learn a lot by reading books. And I am sure that the time spent on a good book is never wasted. And it’s really a pity that people started to read less. But it, of course, depends on the author greatly too and on his or her talent. Books are of great help in any education. That’s why we have so many libraries in our country where we can choose any book we like or need. There are different kinds of books in any library – special literature, belles-lettres, science fiction, periodicals like magazines and newspapers and so much more. Everyone has the right to use public libraries. The librarian is always ready to help you to find a book on any subject. But nowadays Internet libraries have become more popular and people use them more often. Now we can find and read on-line almost any book or literary piece in the Internet. And I find it very convenient. Because it saves time a lot. But I am sure that no matter how convenient it is to get a book on-line there is still no bigger pleasure than reading a printed book. Different people like to read different kinds of it. It depends on one’s character and taste. Some people prefer fiction (novels, stories, short stories), some prefer detectives or science fiction. Others like historical books. Girls and women prefer love stories. Children like comics very much. As for me, I’m personally fond of reading books. I like reading fiction. I prefer reading science fiction. It is so interesting to read books by George Herbert Wells or Isaac Asimov. They speak about such things that have become real. How did they know? How could they know? That’s a mystery and it is what makes science fiction interesting and fascinating.

Эссе на тему: что лучше смотреть тв или читать книгу на Английскои PLEASE HELP

Какая чудесная тема. Надеюсь, что Вы согласитесь с моей позицией и не отбросите в сторону это сочинение, лол.
I’m all for books, because they mean a lot to me. When you watch movie you see all the characters, hear their voices and so on and so on. But when you read the book - it’s your choice: what colour are the character’s eyes or what he’s wearing now. You imagine everything - you are producer in this moment. You can learn a lot of new things from a book, even if you read fiction books, you can find something from physics or geography and psychology. You can touch books, feel and smell them. But you can’t do it with TV shows. Ant the last but not least - our ancestors could do without TV, reading books, so why can’t we?

Напишите топик на тему: Книги


Contemporary life is impossible without reading. The influence of literature on people’s mind is great. Regular reading enriches your knowledge of the world and helps to form your entire personality. If a book appeals to you, it arouses lots of feelings and emotions in your heart. If you take to reading, the world of other people’s ideas and problems becomes familiar to you. The process of reading demands much thinking on the part of the reader because reading exists not only for entertainment. When you are taken away by a thrilling plot and by author’s vivid imagination or by his humorous remarks or by the way he portrays people, you can’t help reading the book from cover to cover, when the life of a literary character is similar to yours, you take described events close to heart. If you feel that you lack information, knowledge, and words to express your opinions - read more! Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It gives you a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands years ago. The book is a faithful and undemanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. Read more and you’ll never be bored!

Помогите, английский язык Кауфман (unit6,lesson8, homework A)
Get ready for the project. Write about the book. Use a plan:
What are you reading now?
The author
The title
The genre
The story is set in.
The main

... characters
What happens to them?
Did you like the book?
Would you recommend the book? Why?
Приготовьтесь к проекту. Написать о книге. Используйте план:
Что вы сейчас читаете?
История происходит дюйма.
Главные герои
Что с ними происходит?
Вам понравилось в книге?
Будете ли вы рекомендовать эту книгу? Почему?

Now I am reading more fanyastic, then detective books. One of them is series of books "Harry Potter", which wrote Joan Rouling. This books about the boy, Harry Potter. He was just the boy, but once he knew, that he is not just the boy, and witcher. He learns magic art, but Voldemort trying to do bad things, and Harry must to stop him. I really like this book, because in Harry Potter I see mycelf. I recommended it to everyone, because it is really interesting book! I dont think, that anyone willnt like it! Как-то так

написать проект про книгу. Обсалютно любую. Нужно написать про автора, в каком году вышла книга, и кратко изложить ее. И все это на английском языке. Я бы

... и сама написал но не знаю с чего начать)
Зарание спасибо кто откликнится)

На примере Пушкина - "Евгений Онегин":

A. S. Pushkin -  the greatest Russian poet! 

"Eugene Onegin" - a novel in poems, written in the years 1823-1831.

The novel begins grumbling thoughts young gentleman Eugene Onegin, dedicated his uncle illness forced him to leave St. Petersburg and go to the patient bedside to say goodbye to him. So denoting the string, the author devotes the first chapter of the story of the origin, the family life of his hero to the news of the disease relative. The story is in the name of the anonymous author, will present a good friend Onegin.

Eugene goes to see her uncle in the village. On arrival, it turns out that his uncle died, and Eugene became his successor. Onegin settled in the country, but here it overcomes the blues.
Onegin is a neighbor who had come from Germany eighteen Vladimir Lensky, romantic poet. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lena is in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of a landowner.
Faced with Onegin, Tatiana falls in love with him, and wrote him a letter. However, Onegin rejects her, he is not looking for a quiet family life. Lensky and Onegin invited to Larin.

At a dinner at the Larin Onegin, in order to get jealous Lensky, suddenly begins to care for Olga. Lenski calls him to a duel. The fight ends with the death of Lensky and Onegin leaves the village.
Three years later he appeared in Moscow and meets Tatiana. She is a great lady, the wife of a general. Onegin falls in love with her, but this time it had already rejected it. Tatiana also loves him, but says he wants to remain faithful to her husband.
Как - то так. Успехов.