Диалог про лето на английском языке с переводом.

Hey, how did you spend your summer holiday?
- Oh, that was fine, my friends and I went to the countryside and had a lot of fun with the girls and their boomshine.
- Boomshine? What’s that?
- Umm, it’s like vodka but even stronger. And homemade.
- Ahh, gotcha. Russians call it "samogon". And what about the girls?
- Yeah, those chicks are just pure tornadoes. But there’s one little thing, they’re strong. Very strong physically. If they’re not up for it, you’re in danger of getting your ass kicked.
- Wow, I can’t believe it.
- Yes, that sounds a bit far-fetched, but it is. Anyways. I gotta go, c ya!
- Take care!
Здаров, как лето провёл?
- О, классно. Мы с друзьями поехали в деревню и там знатно повеселились с тамошними девчонками и штекером.
- Штекером? Чё это?
- Эммм, это типа водки, но посильнее. И самодельное.
- А, въехал. Русские это называют "самогон". А чё там насчёт девчонок?
- Да, девчонки те - просто торнадо. Но есть такая фишечка. Они сильные. Очень сильны физически. И если они не в духе к этому самому - могут запросто те надавать звездюлей.
- Чё, правда? Ни в жисть не поверю.
- Да, это кажется невероятным. Но ладно, пора мне отваливать, покеда.
- Давай.

составить диалог на английском языке про осень.

-Ах! Как же я люблю осень!
-Я тоже.
-А ты почему ты любишь осень?
-Потому что у меня осенью день рождение.
У меня тоже.
-У тебя в каком месяце?
-В сентябре. А у тебя?
-В октябре.
. А я ещё люблю осень за её красоту, леса покрытые багрянцем, румяные поля, а также в ету пору года тихо и спокойно.
-Согласен. Эй! Смотри, листик падает. Да. Скоро все листики упадут в обьятия земли.
-У, у, у! Х-х-х-хол-л-лод-но! Д-д-д-да-а-а-а!
-Холодный ветерок под-д-дул-л!
-Очень холодный!
-Ладно, пока
Такой подойдёт? Это лёгкий текст и ты сможешь его перевести

Диалог на тему времена года. 10 вопросов и 10 ответов!

- Ok, boys and girls. Now, somebody, answer my questions about the seasons. Well, who’d like to tell me something interesting? Yes, please, Tima. What season is the first in the year?

- That’s winter.

- What do you like about it?

- Well, it snows only in the winter. All people like snow, especially children. There is a lot of winter games that they are keen on. The entire vacation period children spend in the open air throwing snow-balls, skiing, skating and playing hockey.

- Do you like this season?

- Certainly. I was born in the winter. I really enjoy this period.

- Which season is the next?

- Spring. It becomes warmer, trees and grass blossom out, animals wake up from winter sleep. Broadly speaking, the whole nature wakes up.

- Ok, what’s next?

- That’s summer. It is already hot in summer, particularly in July and August.

- What happens to the nature?

- All around blossoms. You can see lots of flowers everywhere.

- How people usually spend the summer time?

- Summer is common leave period. People go to see and lake shore, forest or river banks. They swim, lie in the sun and relax.

- And, what’s next?

- There the autumn comes. Tree leaves turn yellow, animals prepare for winter dormancy. As for people, they crop.

- How do you feel about the autumn?

- I am not fond of it because the environment becomes dull.

- So, which season do you like more?

- As I said earlier, I’m fond of winter time. It’s the most interesting period for me.

- Thank you, Tima. And how do think how I’m going to mark you now?

- I hope "5".

- You’re absolutely right. That would be fair.

Если несложно, кликни по "лучшему решению".

Диалог на тему "Winter and winter sports"

- Hello, Alina! How are you? Why are you looking so tired?
- Hello, I am really very tired today. I was in the forest where I skated a lot.
- Really? Are you fond of winter sport?
- Yes, I am. I do sport every two days. And what kind of winter sports are you fond of? I am fond of skiing most of all. To my opinion it’s a very interesting sport.
- How interesting! How many times a week do you go to your trainings?
- Four times a week.
 - And what other kinds of sports are you fond of?
- Besides it I like basketball, but sad to say I play it very badly.
- I also play basketball badly. I’m afraid "of any ball".
- Well, Alina. Let’s say good-bye each other,  I have to hurry home.
 - Ok, see you!