Your friend has invited you to the disco next Saturday but you can’t go.
( сочинение)

Будет в форме диалога.
—Hello, Alex! I have free Saturday. We can go to the disco. I love it!
—Oh, sorry. I can’t go. I’ll stay with my little sister all the day.
—Why can’t your parents do this?
—They go for a work all day.
—Great! So, can I go to you? I’ll bye many pizza and chips!
—But what about my sister?
—We’ll sit with her! What problems? I have a free day, so I want to spend it with benefit (польза)! I would like to learn how to treat (обращаться) with little children!
—Oh, it would be nice! OK, I wait you on Saturday in my house!
—No problems! Goodbye!

Вы встретили на улице друга. Рассказать ему, о каком нибудь необычном событии случившемся с вами днем раньше(исспользовать фразы - ты никогда не догодаешься, что со мной случилось, что это, я был

... немного шокирован, боже мой, что происходило). Составить диалог

Привет. Сказал ты
привет. Сказал друг
как у время вчера проводил? Задал ты вопрос.
обычно. Ответил друг.
ты не догодаешься, что со мной произошло вчера. Ты.
что происходило? Друг.
Я шёл по улице и считал шаги. Вдруг я увидел дым. Я был очень любопытным и решил посмотреть, что там такое. Ты.
а что там было? Друг.
там был пожар. Я набрался храбрости и облил дерево водой из лужи. Ты.
боже мой. Вот это ты храбрый. Друг.
а там был рядом дом. Он бы загорелся, если бы я не проходил мимо. Ты.

да. Знаю. Есть ошибки. Там было написано написать диалог. Вот он держи.

Придумать диалог. О том что один поехал куда-то (в какое-либо место)и теперь рассказывает другому(который там никогда не был. Вспомогательные вопросы: 1)I visited. in. Have you been there? 2)Could you

... tell me how. 3)How long did it take? 3)How many kilometres did you cover? 4)Did you travel by. or by. 5)Did you need to change? 6)What kind of places did you pass on your way? 6)Really? 7)How interesting? 8)Sounds great 9)When would you recommend visiting it? Можно начать с -я ездил. Вау, это фантастично Ну как обычно бывает :D Не очень диалог)

Hi Peter, how are you doing?
Hi Ivan! Doing good, I just came from Moscow. have you ever been there?
No, I haven’t. could you tell me how was it? How long you have been there?
it was unbelievable, I have visited so many places as Tzara canon and Tzara bell. I have been there 2 months.
Wow, sounds great man. Did you travel by train or car? How interesting was it?
I was traveling by car with my girlfriend.
 Yes. She has international driving licens. I highly recommend you to visit this city. Sorry I have to go for now. See you next time.
see you))) как то так

Peter: Colin! Haven’t seen you for ages!
Colin: Peter! Old chap! Yeah, I’ve been extremely busy these days. I’m terribly sorry for not calling you.
Peter: Never mind! 
Colin: Glad to know you’re not offended, Pete. Well, you know, I went to Dublin last month. Have you ever been there?
Peter: I’ve always wanted to go there, to be honest. But (I) never had a chance. Could you tell me, please, how you got there?
Colin: (I went there) by air. Stansted Airport. Not far from here. (I) went to the airport by bus first. Pretty convenient and fast.
Peter: Right. So, how many kilometres did you cover?
Colin: About 600 kilometres, if I’m not mistaken.
Peter: And how long did it take (you to get there)?
Colin: Hum. 1 hour and a half or so. 
Peter: I believe you didn’t have to change, did you?
Colin: Of course not. Fortunately.
Peter: What kind of places did you pass on your way from the airport?
Colin: Ha! Fields, forests. Nothing special, really. But the nature there is really captivating. I went sightseeing in Dublin, as well. The National Museum of Ireland, Dublin Castle, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. Oh, this trip left a lasting impression!
Peter: Sounds great! It seems to have been an amazing trip. I guess you would recommend visiting Dublin, Colin. Am I right?
Colin: Oh, make no doubt about it, Pete. I insist on your going to Dublin, my friend. 
Peter: Ha-ha, OK, Colin. I’ll take it/that into consideration. Oh, I have to go now! I’ll call you tonight.
Colin: Alright then. See you later, old chap! 

Составить средний диалог. Рассказать об обмене опытом. Ну т. Е когда ездят учиться в другие страны и высказать свое мнение. А так же написать смог ли бы

... поехать в другую страну одним?

Reporter: Today foreign exchange student programs are very popular. Some students leave their countries to study abroad. What do you think about them?
Student: I think that experience is the best teacher. I'd like to take part in such a program.
Reporter: what advantages can you say?
Student: to my mind, the advantages of studying abroad are countless. Living in a new country will bring new and exciting experiences. A student can learn a foreign language, enrich his mind with knowledge.
Reporter: how do you think, is it dangerous to live abroad alone?
Student: of course, before leaving, a student should get all information, which may be necessary for him abroad.  By the way, the programs can be long-term and short-term. You may choose what you want.
Reporter: ok, thank you for your story.

-Hi. How are you?
-Hi, I’m fine.
- Where have you been? Why you haven’t called me?
-I went to England to school with profound studying of English language.
- And how do you like it?
- Very much, I lived in an English family who spoke only in English, now I have many foreign friends.
- Cool, I’d like to visit England too.
- No problems, our school usually take students for exchange programme. I should get to learn more, thank you.
 - Good luck.

нужно написать диалог про то, что ты прочитал книгу и отправил другу(так же название книги) и не мение 120 слов и чтоб текст был правельным

- hello Bob. I recently read a very interesting book which was called Robin Hood.
- hello Max. I heard about this book a very lot, but i could not read it becouse it’s not in the shool library.

- I was lucky, I bought this book in of bookstores. She is beautiful. If you want i can give it to you so that you could reat it.

- So i agreed. Thank you really helped me

- Not at all. I bring her at home today. You wiil be home?

- Today i will be a little busy. In my mum’s birthday today. Let’s meet in the park tomorrow. Ok?

- So okey. Goodbye Bob.