Нужно составить диалог-общение журналиста с человеком на английском. (15 балов)

Amanda: Hi, Paul. I’mglad to see you. How are you
Paul: Hi, there. I’m fine thank you. And you? I haven’t see you for ages
Amanda: I’m also well. I’ve been busy preparing the articles for the school newspaper
Paul: I see. Are you a school newspaper editor now
Amanda: I’m both and editor and a journalist. At first I collect the information.
Paul: Do you mean you want to interview me?
Amanda: Exactly.
Paul: Yes
Amanda: Ok. Good Bye!
Paul: Ok, Bye


Диалог:(Журналист)Здравствуйте! У вас очень интересная работа! Расскажи о ней поподробней!(Археологи)Да конечно! Наша работа- это раскопки. Мы находим древние поселения, находим на дне морском затонувшие корабли, останки людей и животных! Очень интересная и кропотливая работа. (Журналист)-Да нашим читателям будет очень интересен ваш рассказ!

Помогите составить диалог между журналистом и дизайнером

-Good day. I would like to ask you a few questions
-Yes of course
-Was it difficult to come up with new collection, is such a short time?
-Yes, at first I didn’t even know witch way to go, but then came a sudden inspiretion, like me guitar hit on the head! And the process  went
-If not a secret, could you say what or who was   the guitar?
-I want to keep it a secret. Don’t like to disclose al of their cards
-Okay, I will  not bother you any more. The last question. Could you give advice to young designers?
-Trust your imagination, and no need to restrain. And most importantly, never give up!
-Thank you for the interview. Good bay

Диалог на английском на тему " Что ты думаешь о журналах?"

Hi, Jim.
Hello, Helen. Nice to meet you.
Yesterday I read a new magazine. It was terrible. There weren’t any interesting.
Yes. There are many boring magazines, but there are a lot of good m.
I agree with you.

What do you thunk about magazins? I don’t really like it Why not? There are a lot of waste in it. Why do you think so? Well, for example I hate add, but in magazine a lot of add. Oh, yeah I’m agree with you about this point. So what about you? I like magazine. Why? There some useful information and it always help you to make your mood better

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш класс выиграл конкурс, и вам дали грант. Объясните иностранному журналисту, от кого вы получили грант, за что и что вы планируете купить на полученные

... деньги для школы.
напишите диалог желательно на английском


M-me(you) )

J-Hello, can i ask you some questions, please?

M-Of course, what are you interested in?

J-When did you get this grant, what have you done do receive it?

M-Oh, i get it for about a day or two ago, we got competition between classes in our school and we won because we got better teamplay than others, we understood each others and thats why we snatched victory from the hands of our rivals.

J-well, thats interesting, can i ask you one more question?

M-Of course!

J-How will you spend money you got?

M-Hmmm, nice question, I have not decided yet but i think I’ll send half of them to my Granny, the other half will be spent to pay for internet, utilities and to buy some presents for friends.

J-Thank you very much, bye!


написать диалог журналиста со кристьяно рональдо о его повседневной жизни

-Hello Christiano! Can I ask you some questions? Our readers want to know about your life.

-hello. ok.

-what do you like to do when you have free time?

-I like spending my time with my family.

-How do you spent this time?

-sometimes we make and have  dinner together, we sit at home and watch TV  or play games. Sometimes we go out to the cinema or cafe or to the restaurant.

-Do you have much free time?

-No. unfortunately. I train every day. Very often we play in another city or country. And I am far away from my family.

-What time do you get up and go to bed?

-it depends. Usually i get up very early and go to bed also very early. I must sleep 9 hours to be in a good form.

-Do you have a lot of friends?

-Yes I do. 

-Do you like your profession.

-Yes I like it very much.

-thank you for you answers!

-you are welcome!