Диалог на английском. Так, чтобы главный герой Жора и его друг Дима. Желательно, чтобы было связано с библиотекой

- Жора! Что ты делаешь?
-Я ищу книгу про космос, помоги найти!
А какая именно тебе нужна? Энциклопедии? Истории?
-О-о-о-о, нашёл!
-Такая подойдёт?
-Да, спасибо.
Hello, Zhora! What are you doing?
- I’m looking for a book about space, help me find it!
-Give it!
And what exactly do you need? Encyclopedias? Stories?
-Oh-oh, found it!
-This suit?
-Yes thank you.

D - Дима/Dima
J - Жора/Jora
D: Hey, Jora, are you busy right now?
J: Hi, Dima. No, my lessons are over. What’s up?
D: I need to visit a library.
J: Why? What for?
D: I have a literature lesson tomorrow. I need to find a book.
J: Hmm. Okay, let’s check if it’s open. Library is on the third floor. Let’s go.
* * * (пауза)
J: Here we are! What are you looking for?
D: I need a novel, "Oblomov".
J: Well, who wrote it?
D: Goncharov, I remember it. Can you help me?
J: Sure! I see a "G" section. Wait for a second. Got it!
D: Thank you, Jora. Now we should go.
J: Okay! But I need to visit my chemistry teacher. See you soon, Dima!
D: Goodbye.

Придумать диалог на тему "В библиотеке" на английском языке состоящий из трёх человек и около


M: Hello I’m looking for a book Aleksandar Pushkin.
B: Hello Does not help you find it.
M: Oh, I’ll be very happy!
B: Oh, it is that it is not, it is probably in her arms. I’m so sorry.
A: Hello, I would like zdat books and take new ones.
B: Very well, let me until I note, and you choose new ones.
M: Oh, and you can see if there Pushkin?
B: Let me see here no it is not.
M: I’m sorry.
D: So I chose the new.
B: You’re going to be zdat another book.
A: Oh, I forgot about it, it is in my bag here Guns
M: Pushkin?
A: Yes I Narva Pushkin his works.
M: I, too, I was just looking for her.
B: Well, that’s found your Pushkin sechas I will write to you.
M: Thank you goodbye.
D: Goodbye
B: Goodbye to come more often.

Пожайлусто, составить диалог в место аптеке либо библиотеке либо в магазине, нужно!

- Ах, как хорошо сегодня в библиотеке!
-Да, ты прав, Андрей. Так тихо, спокойно.
-Ох, а вспомни, что было вчера!
 -Подожди-ка, а что же было вчера? 
-Ой, а ты что, забыл?
-Ну как же, нет! Вчера мальчишки так шумели!
- Боже мой, как же хорошо читать книги в тишине! 

- Hello!
-what you want?
-I need medicine for my nose.
-Do you have allergy?
-Yes, it’s very bad
-Ok, I will bring medicine
-Thank you
-Here it is

Помогите составить диалог:
Спросите библиотека, есть ли книга о приключениях.
Скажите, что вы о ней ничего не слышали. Спросите библиотекаря, понравилась ли она ему.
Спросите, почему он (она) рекомендует эту книгу.

Скажите, что вы возьмете эту книгу.

-Hello! Can u help me to choose the book?
-Hi! Yes, of cours, what genre you are interested in?
-I whant an interesing adventure book.
-One second please. Look, there are two interesting books, written by famous autor Jack London in my hands. They are  White Fang and Hearts of three. U can choose eigher.
-Oh, thanks. But i don’t hear anythink about Hearts of three. Can you tell me more about it? And are you enjoyed it? Can u recommend it to me?
-It one of the famous book, written be J. London. As for me, i like it very much, read it then i was only 12 years old and i offered it to all me friends. They were satisfied with it.
I want you to read it and u will have greate emotions. I think it is fit to u.
-Thank u very much for your help. I want to take this book and to read it cover to cover. I think I’ll have great emotions as u. Buy!
-Good day, buy!

Нужен диалог на тему "at the library". Один человек, который пришел в библиотеку, спрашивает у библиотекаря материал для доклада.


-Do not tell a good history book?

-And why should you?

-I need to make a report on stories. The subject of my report, "Napoleon."

-Well now look for.

-Thank you.

-Here’s a good book everything about Napoleon.

-Make a note of this book for me, I’ll take it.

-Thank you. Good-bye!


Hello mr brown!
What are you doing in the library?
I can’t find tekst for quiz, can you help me?
Ok. this is a tekst for quiz!
Oh ok goodbye!

Диалог в библиотеке между девочкой и мальчиком

-Hello Tom, I did not expect to see you here. How are you?

-Hi, Kate! I am fine and you? I had to come here to find information for my report about anciet Rome. And what are you looking for?

-I am fine too and as you I am looking for information, but to my biology lesson. I  also came here to return the book.

-What is the book?

- Three men in a boat(To say nothing of the dog)

-And did you like it?

-Oh, yes! I liked it so much that I can say that it is my favorite book now. And do you like to read? 

-I like to read very much, I like detective stories, I think that it is interesting. Well, Kate I found everything for my report? it was nice to meet you. Goodbye

-Bye, Tom!