Монолог по английскому. Нужно рассказать об истории освоения космоса при этом отметить следующие:
1)освоение Космоса до начала космических полетов
2)беспилотные полеты в космос
3)пилотируемые полеты в космос
4)конкуренция и сотрудничество в области освоения космоса

Нужно по

... 3-5 на каждый пункт плана. Заранее огромнейшее спасибо

1. Space Race - intense competition in the field of space exploration between the Soviet Union and the United States between 1957 and 1975. Among race events include launching artificial satellites, space flight animals and humans, as well as landing on the moon. A side effect of the Cold War. The term derives its name by analogy with the arms race. Space Race became an important part of the cultural, technological and ideological confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War. This was due to the fact that space exploration had not only of great importance for scientific and military applications, but also conspicuous propaganda effect. The origins lie in the German race development of long-range combat missiles during World War II, but the start was given October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite " Sputnik 1 ". During the great space race of the USSR and the United States became the first and major " space powers " capable satellites in orbit their boosters, and "cosmic superpowers ", the beginning of human space flight.
2. Unmanned space flight use of those remote-controlled vehicle. Plenty of space flight are more suitable for unmanned flight rather than manned space flight, due to the lower cost and lower risk factors. Unmanned space flight to fly many countries. Most of the American drone flights were coordinated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and European flights European Space Operations Centre, part of Esa ( European Space Agency ). Esa conducted relatively few space exploration missions (one example Flight Giotto, encountered Comet Halley). Esa has, however, launched a different ship to carry astronomy, and an employee with a CNasa on Space Telescope Hubble. A large number of very successful Russian space mission. Also several Japanese, Chinese and Indian missions. Unmanned space flight can be divided into 2 types : artificial satellites that orbit the earth and kosmicheskiya probe that Earth’s orbit permission to explore other worlds.
3. Manned space flight - a man’s journey into space, into Earth orbit and beyond, as performed by manned spacecraft. Delivery man in space is performed using the spacecraft. Long-term stay of people on the Earth’s orbit is achieved through the use of orbital space stations. People making spaceflight called astronauts. Country capable of conducting space missions on their own spacecraft, launched its own launch vehicles, sometimes called space superpowers. Ability to carry out manned space flights preceded the country’s ability as a space power, Runs on its own boosters own satellites.
4. At the beginning of the space age, between the USSR and the United States waged a battle for supremacy in space exploration, which gave positive results in a short time, they all izvestny. Seychas picture is somewhat different, more closely in this area vzamodeystviya space powers, as do you, why it happens. Competition, though fierce, is one of the engines of progress.

запишите диалог на английском языке про космос с переводом (желательно маленький диалог)

- Hello, Anya!
- Hello, Masha!
- Can you tell me about space? I want to learn something about the cosmos.
- Of course, I know a little, but you were lucky, Masha.
- Come on, tell me!
- You know in space billions of stars! Each star has its own name, such as, Sirius, Folmagaut, Arcturus and Vega.
- Wow! Is something bad happening in space?
- There are, in space, a lot of debris of rockets, spacecraft or satellite. They can bring disaster, but what trouble, I myself do not know.
- Are there other dangers for our planet?
- Yes, it’s a danger - meteorites or asteroids. They can fall on our planet and destroy it.
- Really? And one last question, maybe stupid, but still. Are there any other creatures besides us?
- It’s a difficult question, but we do not know yet. Perhaps they exist, maybe in 15-20 years we will find out.
- Thanks, Anya, I learned a lot!
- Do not thank! Bye, Masha!
- Bye, Anya!

Составьте диалог рассуждение на тему: " Космические исследования", о

Ч1 : - Привет! Ты смотрел вчера передачу про космос на канале Discovery? Ч2 : - Привет, нет не посмотрел, был занят уроками, а что я пропустил? Ч1 : - Там рассказывали очень много интересного, например : ты знал, что есть разновидности чёрных дыр, первые втягивают в себя планеты, астероиды и тд. А другие наооборот выталкивают из себя. Ч2 : - Да, это очень интересно, вследующий раз надо будет посмотреть.

Сосьтавь монолог то есть диалог на русском языке 4 вопроса и 4 ответа об исследовании космоса

- позволь задать тебе пару вопросов от космосе.
- я слушаю тебя.
- Как ты думаешь, зачем люди изучают космос?
- Исследование космоса обогащает и улучшает будущее человека.
- Как ты думаешь, человек когда-нибудь прекратит изучать космос? Почему?
- Я думаю, нет. Потому что одна из самых фундаментальных человеческих особенностей - неустанное любопытство, стремление к познанию чего-либо.
- Знаешь ли ты, что исследовало человечество?
- Мы исследовали самые дальние уголки планеты - замороженные полюса, глубины океанов, верхние слои атмосфер.
- Как ты думаешь, каждый может исследовать космос или нет?
- Я думаю, что не каждый может исследовать космос, потому что исследование космоса также предлагает существенные предпринимательские возможности, требуя новых технологий и услуг, которых у обычного человека нет.
- Спасибо тебе за твои ответы, пока!
- Не за что! До встречи.

Диалог про космос по 7 фраз с той и другой стороны

-Would you like to be in space? Yes. there is probably very beautiful! Space is endless! Wow! Not even believe that there is no end! What planet do you like the most? I like Jupiter- Wow! Very cool- And you know that Jupiter is many times larger than the Earth, and even is the largest planet. It’s very interesting! well, I like the Saturn. Yes, Saturn is also very beautiful planet! And still have the rings around Saturn. Yes! but the Earth is not comparable!-Earth is the only planet on which life is